I wanted to let people know the clan I play with are super duper ace, patient and always strive to find ways to communicate in any D2 gameplay including raids.
I'm deaf and the clan uses discord to put all members of the fireteam in a chat room.
Some of us use Xbox accessibility speech to text party chat.
Twitch live streams are used to show what to do if needed.
Just whatever works to include people in a group.
Just an all round pretty decent bunch of people.
Well the clan are actively recruiting at the moment and i got told to go find other deaf people that want to play, we've all heard stories of people being kicked in lfg because they don't have a mic.
We're not elite hardcore players, but we do have a lotta fun, complete raids and are an active clan, so check us out. We are UK based, play on Xbox and most raids are played 4pm to 11pm gmt time.
If you've got any questions feel free to ask 👍
Springer x
Edited by Cheapie: 7/15/2021 9:59:15 AMThis is really awesome and absolutely worth an upvote.