Since MIDA Multitool got a catalyst rework, it's not too impossible nor asking for much to request for other catalysts to also receive a change, specifically, Sweet Business. Now, Sweet Business is a super fun gun, not meta, nor is it overpowered. It is easily outranged, you get melted if you're not careful, its accuracy and damage fall off, and you can easily get 2 tapped since you're slow while firing it. It is basically like a big loud beacon that says "hey shoot me!". Its catalyst doesn't help at all. "Less flinch", ok, and? Sweet Business is a Kinetic Trace Rifle, not a sniper or high accuracy weapon. Flinch literally is the least of your worries. Changing its catalyst would help set a precedent that when weapons are no longer decent due to changing metas and internal updates, the exotic weapons also need to reflect that. Here are some ideas for a new catalyst that is infinitely better than its current. If anyone else has other ideas, share them!
PVE: All primary ammo on the ground gravitates towards the player (not too nutty, you can already shoot the ammo boxes)
PVE/PVP: Flat stat boost (Nuff said)
PVP: Faster spin up to speed (this can be played around with, don't want to be too OP)
Let me know your thoughts and if someone at Bungie reads this, Love you guys.
Explosive rounds [spoiler][i]THE FRAMES[/i][/spoiler]
Give it Mulligan AND Subsistence
I feel Moving Target and Vacuum, maybe Subsistence would work very well
There are a lot of Y1 and 2 catalyst that need a rework. Skyburners, cerberus+1, Polaris, hardlight, and jade rabbit to name a few.
Give it explosive payload
subsistence, explosive payload, and unrelenting
Killing Tally would be pretty cool as a catalyst.
Honestly, it should return some ammo back to the mag for kills. It's called Sweet Business for a reason.
Double the mag size, or convert it to a thermal/heat up+cool down weapon. Bottomless with a heat guage. Give us a real minigun, lol.
Personally think it's a pretty solid catalyst considering the absurd flinch on 120 handcannons. They can peak shoot as much as they want my rounds are only going to the one spot for 20 seconds
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I feel like a fully spun-up Sweet Business should stagger [b][i]everything[/i][/b] in PvE, and should at least flinch the heck out of anyone in PvP being directly fired upon. -
Edited by T0XIC: 6/30/2021 1:18:46 AMGive it timed payload while your at it 🤦♂️
Sweet business melts in PvP as it is now. Any stronger and it will definitely be OP.
Give it Subsistence
Alternatively... Make an ornament for Heir Apparent called Big Business!