I don't get it. You know the thing on the back of Drifters ship. That was a gift from the nine. The nine called him Dedgen in a cutscene from something, Idk what that is. But if Dredgen was a guardian, and Drifter was a lightbearer, then maybe, The Difter is Dredgen.
I'm having a bigger mental break down.
[quote]"nah, not any more. Its Drifter now" The Drifter talking to the nine[/quote]
Dredgen is a title, not a name.
He is a dredgen but he is not the dredgen you are looking for
*sigh* no dredgen yor is not wu ming /drifter/dreaden hope jokes aside the reason she calls him dredgen is because drifter never chose a name , but when your in the shadows of yor you need to pick a new name, so she just called him by that. the closest thing he has to a name is wu ming which means no name in Chinese
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
See, this is what happens when you skip [b]Season of the Drifter[/b]. -
Drifter was Dredgen Hope
Oh little one, there is so much you have yet to learn. Dredgen Yor died a long time ago. Drifter used to be part of a Dredgen Yor fanboy club, called the Shadows of Yor, and they called themselves Dredgens
If you’re not caught up on lore then watch My names is Byf
Edited by joanespotatos: 6/15/2021 11:59:45 PMI will be skipping some details, but here we go: Dredgen yor is dead. He died by the hands of shin malphur. After some time, some people started following yor's ideals. Those were called the shadows of yor. They used the dredgen name. And the drifter was a part of that group, called dredgen hope. But he left it sfter some time.
Edited by IAGNRG: 6/15/2021 7:39:37 PMI’m pretty sure he’s just referring to title “dredgen” in general. But hey, I don’t pay [i]that[/i] much attention to the lore. I just shoot sweet business.
Edited by Emurinus: 6/15/2021 8:18:17 PMDredgen Yor was canonically slain by Shin Malphur. The Shadows of Yor were actually created by Shin, iirc, in order to learn how to use Darkness without being corrupted as well as draw out edgy rogue Guardians that wanted to follow Yor's footsteps. Drifter was originally a Dredgen know as Dredgen Hope who eventually split off from the other shadows.
Look up the lore of Dredgen Yor, Shin Malphur, and the Drifter. It's a good read.
Dredgen is like Darth