Does anyone engage in a noble and honorable vehicular duel with "The Rider"?
Because i went nope, hopped off my sparrow and sniped her?
Other guns were involved as well.
I thought about it initially but I also have chaos beamed her to many times to count so no shame bro
I’ve never done it without the pike. As a lore-obsessed titan who would reset his character just to play through all the campaigns in order and watch every cutscene without even caring about the loot, it would’ve just felt wrong. [spoiler]Plus, I love stealing the enemy’s stuff and using it against them. Especially pikes (scorn pikes are my favorite) and scorch cannons.[/spoiler]
There should have been a triumph to fear her with a pike Then I might have done it
I’ll never forget hopping off my sparrow and using celestial nighthawk on her and ending the mission immediately 😂
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I wish there had been unique dialogue for actually beating her on a Pike. -
Ain't nobody got time for that! Golden gun for the win.
Eyes of tommorow isnt honarable?
Edited by Pookie: 6/9/2021 5:40:34 AMCompleted that mission a few days ago. Got to the "fight" area, hopped off my sparrow, and hit her with one Hakke tracking rocket. Mission complete.
Always, just to rub it into the xenos' faces that humanity's potential is simply greater than any of them. They can either get out of the way, get behind us, or be crushed under our boots.
Yes I do. Until I get bored and shoot them with a sidearm.
Sleeper Stimulant says goodbye Rider. At least is did during Forsaken. I’m not sure if that’s effective now.
Smiles in Chaos Reach
First time I did Forsaken I killed the rider on a pike. Latest attempt, Xeno’d just to get it over with.
Edited by Corrick II: 6/8/2021 5:34:22 PMTruth is honorable enough. I don’t have time to deal with that nonsense. Maybe if our sparrows had guns. Not much of a Pike guy.
i used 1k [spoiler]ah, boom. -big shaq [/spoiler]
[quote]Does anyone engage in a noble and honorable vehicular duel with "The Rider"?[/quote] First play through of the Forsaken campaign - I sure did and after few deaths, I finally beat her at her own game. Ever other play through since - nuked that b!tch.
Same as most people, I kicked her shit in on a pike during the campaign. It was actually really fun! Then I just fist of havoc'd her after that.
The first time? Yes. It felt right. The rest of the time? No.
I did fight her on her terms but most of the time I just pull out a tracking rocket aim fire kaboom
Superd their ass