Between D1 and D2 I have over 800 raid clears. I don’t mind helping people learn, but I simply don’t have time for 3-4 hour raids. My wife and daughter get angry at me, and it can get very frustrating.
I generally can tell within 15 minutes if a team will clear. A few things will lead to this:
1) Repeat deaths for the same reason. You need to own your game, evaluate what you did wrong, and solve it. If a Sherpa recommends a fix, do it.
2) Not enough boss damage. This is generally due to incorrect weapons, mods, or players not playing crisply and being confused / dead / late to the damage phases.
3) Too many adds remaining. You should always be shooting something or doing something to help your team. If I exit the portal into a swarm of 5 supplicants every time that’s not on me.
4) Gatekeepers Specific example. Can’t kill minotaurs / wyrens / gatekeepers quickly. If you can’t solo a gate or a confluxes please learn how, or your team will be there for a while.
Raiding is end game, especially in the first week. Everyone needs to play well. You can’t expect people to drag you through.
Edited by GuNzBlaZiN ★☆76☆★: 5/25/2021 9:07:12 PMI’ve never raided d1 VoG until now and I’m quite happy with my (as of now) 4 clears ;) a raid I went totally blind into ,i had no idea what to expect at all it was a completely fresh experience . I didn’t realize the beginning madness holding down 3 plates just to open the vault . But when it opened.. that was pretty amazing . And onward deeper into the vault we go .. Raided all through until late at night , I could still hear those Oracles even in my sleep .. Many guardians passed through and disbanded for all sorts of reasons . A mix of personalities and egos meshed all while trying to actually learn the mechanics that is so cryptic to teach. Eventually I conquered the Vault and my loot adorned at the bottom of that beautiful Glass lining of the Vault itself . As I sharpen my skills ,weapons/gear ,and the knowledge of the raid will vastly get better from here . But I will forever always rather raid with those willing and open to learn instead of elitist pricks with 800+clears
Edited by pacificdune: 5/25/2021 9:40:11 PMAlso, I took the liberty and checked your 1st runs on raid report. It seems like you ran with good players, who were experienced and learned quickly. None of your runs were unreasonable. In fact, your full clears seem to have been much faster than mine. You clearly did not experience the nightmare runs that I am talking about. So, before calling me an elitist prick, perhaps you should consider how a 6 to 8 hour raid would feel like, especially having already cleared it in 1 hour with a good team. I don’t mind teaching, but my students also need to do their part. Once again, have a good one.
Edited by pacificdune: 5/25/2021 9:30:49 PMCongrats on your clears! VoG really is a great experience, and participating in teams that run it well is what keeps me coming back to it over and over. I enjoy teaching it to people like you, but not everyone is like that. All I’m saying is that I can’t do 4 - 6 hour raids (I would if I could even, but I can’t. Wife simply does not understand.) , and the reasons for those 4 - 6 hour raids are perfectly solvable by the people that cause them well before the raid. For example, I’m sure you know how to kill a wyren, and an overload champion, and have the correct weapons and mods set up to do that. When a mechanic is explained, I’m sure you learn it fast, and if you make a mistake and cause a wipe, I’m sure you correct it on your own, or ask for advice instead of just saying nothing, and hoping that it does not happen again. I’m sure you practice, and play the difficult content in the game. When it becomes easy in a fireteam, I’m sure you go back and challenge yourself to solo those missions, and then go back and solo them flawlessly. I’m sure you watch how the best players do things, and adopt and practice their methods. In time, as you get more into raiding, you will understand exactly what I am talking about. Have a good one!