Ever since Beyond Light launched and something changed with how light and flashing works in-game (I'm on PC), [b]the flashing in-game has been much more violent and given me more absence seizures than before release[/b]. Examples include:
* Flashing puzzles given to certain content creators on Twitter that were then shared everywhere and I had to be warned about.
* Striker titan flashbang grenades in the crucible.
* Striker titans wearing Dunemarchers and mowing down a group of ads in a darker environment, such as in The Scarlet Keep.
* The entire boss fight in The Hollowed Lair, and most anything with the larger Scorn who shoot lightning. I had to sit my character in a corner and let my two fireteam members finish the strike the first time. Now, I leave whenever the strike appears in the rotation because I can no longer do the strike with any guarantee to my own safety.
* Ether tank explosions.
* The Presage mission. The flashing filaments in the dark hallways, the scorn in the dark with lightning, etc have prevented me from doing the mission myself more than twice. Both times I had seizures and had to stop. My girlfriend logs in for me now and does the mission so I can finish the lore book.
* The primary ammo bricks in The Shattered Throne and other ascendant realms flicker enough that it just hurts my eyes. Get enough together after spending time in the thrallway, boss fight, etc and it can become a problem.
The main issue is just how flashy everything has become. I know it looks great, and you should be proud of what you've accomplished with how fantastic the game and lighting look, especially on a PC with uncapped frames and ultra graphics. But, this change is barring me (and it can't just be me) from playing certain parts of the game because it's an actual hazard to my health. If it doesn't outright give me a seizure, it definitely gives me a headache, and I know others who have complained of the same issues.
It's particularly bad in places with high contrast between lightning/flashing (from enemies and guardians) and a darker backdrop. This isn't the rule, but it is a pattern.
Is there a way you could add a filter or a slider to the game to dampen the amount of flashing? Or at least go back and try to tune it? I'm sure this wasn't intentional. I'm afraid to go into new missions now because I have no idea what to expect. Please help?
Hello Orchid, Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. We never want to cause anyone health issues. I'll forward this to our team to investigate and will push for a solution.
Bungie dont give a -blam!- about players health.. the only they give is a warning to adress this. to prevent lawsuits.. and game to give is there for PR and there own pockets. bunh of hypocritical, they have show there real face wen they lay off a lot of people after the final shape.. and build a large office that the dont need. sow dont expect changes about this.. they dont give a -blam!-
Bumping this!! I recently got back into Destiny after Beyong Ligth came out, and it is really bad. I had to drop out of a campaign misson last night because I couldnt take it anymore. Are there any updates on this issue being fixed?
I don't even have epilepsy and this game gives me issues... not in terms of seizures or anything, but it will give me headaches. I have to close my eyes when loading into gambit matches because of the blinding white light that flashes when you get sent in. I swear this is one of those few games where I can't help but wonder if these guys are trying to blind us. I really enjoy playing this game, but I'm not trying to take tylenol almost every day.
Edited by Captain Hugman: 5/13/2021 11:54:40 AMhoping this gets noticed ASAP because this is [b][u]DRASTICALLY[/u][/b] significant. -Capt Hugs
Bumping for visibility. I'm glad Bungie acknowledged this and I hope they are able to implement a solution sooner than later! Best of luck to you Orchid. <3
I understand it’s an issue for those with epilepsy, but please Bungie, don’t remove it for EVERYONE. Give us an option in setting to toggle it on/off.
Edited by mmarkster: 5/14/2021 3:47:15 AMHello. I'd recommend consulting with your doctor or health care professional about your photosensitive epilepsy before playing Destiny 2. Things to try to reduce these episodes. 1. play in a well-lit room 2. the distance between you and the monitor or TV should be 3 times the width of the monitor 3. play on a smaller monitor, use an LCD and if you can, make sure the frequency is higher than 60Hz 4. don’t play when you’re tired, sick or have a headache 5. take a break each hour of gameplay [b]even if you think you don't need it[/b] SOURCE: https://geekygamingstuff.com/video-game-seizure-warning-guide-to-epilepsy/#:~:text=%20Here%E2%80%99s%20what%20you%20should%20do%20to%20reduce,a%20break%20each%20hour%20of%20gameplay%20More
Adding my support in asking Bungie for accessibility options to tune down/off flashing/strobe/bright lighting! I'm having concern for OP right now because THE TOWER has a cycling light flashing effects EVERYWHERE from The City seems to be struggling to keep the lights on. I don't suffer severe a reaction as OP, but I do admit the eye strain I get from some of the atmospheric light flickering is not fun.
i have no form of expertise in epilepsy or anything of the sorts but from what your describing it seems as if your having trouble with flashing in really dark areas so the best thing i can think of while bungie fixes it is increase your brightness, maybe? because from what ive seen the nades and flashes get drowned out between the brightness settings like if bannerfall whenever i get the map my room glows white but as i said i have no expertise in that area its just a general thought that i might could be able to help with
Very clear and well put comment. And it looks like Bungie saw it and will take action at some point in some way. But one thing I wanted to ad is, keep that girlfriend! :)
I am really thankful to you raised this issue.
I fully agree, some of the effects are wildly more intense than they used to be before i took a long break from D2. I have to take breaks constantly because it genuinely hurts my eyes even with blue light filter on MAX. Glad to see Bungie is looking into it atleast!
I definitely believe this is something that should be considered and looked into. Destiny is so much more than a game and the fact that people are unable to play and be a part of the community breaks my heart. Please let’s support this ❤️
Edited by PsalmLab: 5/13/2021 10:34:41 AMThis is definitely important and should be looked at ASAP! It's not even an if or but it just needs to happen in order for you and others a-like don't need to experience more problems as a result of the game/community you love to engage in. Accessability is of critical important I'm hopeful the Bungie team takes this seriously.
Edited by PVP SUX: 5/13/2021 7:28:00 PMHow do you create a 3D game without flashing lights?. it's like going to a nightclub and just leaving the roof lights on! "Maybe Bungie could make that a feature and sell it in the EverWorse store? A filter for let say 10 000 silver so people do not abuse that extra feature to much" How's that sound Bungie? Imagine how much money you would make on people that are in need?
I'm 100% behind anything to allow for greater accessibility. You shouldn't have to be worried that you're going to be hurt while playing your favorite game. This clearly needs to be adressed. From what I can tell, a lot of these kinds of issues seem to have come to a head with the advancements with HDR (High Dynamic Range) which has put a lot of emphasis on high contrast visuals - Deep blacks with bright whites on displays. I'm certainly no expert when it comes to epilepsy or other photosensitive conditions, but it makes me wonder if having the ability to adjust contrast would help? I also feel like this would be relatively easy to implement from a graphical perspective. Of course, there are many other factors that could easily be contributing to such things, but anything to help people play without having to worry would be wonderful.
Leaving a comment to help this post hopefully get noticed. It sucks how you can't play the game to it's full potential atm so I hope they fix it.
Hope this gets addressed for you and others that need it. I can't imagine not being able to play my favorite game. Hope my upvote & comment helps.
they need photosensitive options, and soon i get a very minor problem when punching enemies, it causes an annoying flash that screws with my eyes
I know this isn't the best solution but as someone with sensitive eyes I use my Pc in night light ( blue light filter) on Also you can try using Blue light Lens glasses ( dont get scammed tho) These just help me look at D2 for longer :P Possibly turning Vfx and camera bloom stuff down might solve this issue on the engine side
I was running the lost sector for the new boots today and the light flashing was horrible. I don't suffer from seizures or epilepsy etc, but it was obnoxious and eye-straining to have the strobe like flashing for almost the entire run.
Bungie please address this!
I agree, this needs addressed. The color blind support has been good, please also try and address this. Even for those of us without extreme sensitivity, it can be a little overwhelming at times.
The post had me concerned for a slightly different reason at first as my kid plays! Agree that there should be a slider or option to disable/lower the effects in the interests of accessibility for all though so thumbs up from me.