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Edited by Blaiskel: 5/2/2021 2:24:19 AM

Felwinter’s Lie should be an Exotic. Change my mind (you can’t).

Let me start out by saying: This is by no means a post complaining about FL. I’ve played Destiny since the dawn of its existence 7 and a half years ago and am more than capable of countering a shotgunning ape when I need to. I’ve experienced FL when it was introduced as a sniper rifle in D1 and now in D2. It’s by far the best and most consistent shotgun in the game because of Shot Package. It’s a unique perk and that’s exactly why it should be an exotic! The best analogy as to why I think it should be an exotic is this: Back in D1 Y3, Bungie reprised VoG, Crota’s End, et cetera. Guess what?... all of our cherished weapons from the past like Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence got turned in to exotics to be viable in end game content. Not only is Felwinter’s a reprised weapon from the past, but it is the only shotgun in D2 that has Shot Package! Yes, Astral Horizon and Retold Tale are great alternatives since they have great range and perk variety, but they’re still going to be less consistent when it comes to mapping people with a shotgun. I personally think making Felwinter’s an exotic would be a great change and would make players mix up their load outs a little more. Again, this is not a post -blam!- and complaining about players using this gun or a certain load out because it’s meta. Will Bungie ever make this change? I’m 99.9% positive that they won’t, but I do think that it’d be a change for the better since Felwinter’s Lie is here to stay. P.S. For all you FL mains out there, this post isn’t a jab at you. I just think it’d help the PvP side of D2 become less stale! ❤️ Edit: Just clarifying after a few of you have commented below... I’m not necessarily saying this would be a swooping change in the meta, but more so add variety in to players’ load outs.

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  • I wouldn’t mind this change but your analogy of the old raid weapons becoming exotic is invalid. This was due to them having elemental damage as a kinetic weapon. Something Bungie went away from after year one because they knew it broke the PvE meta - this is why there was a legendary version without a burn for fatebringer year 3 etc. Mindbender if it was not sunset still saw usage over Felwinter for some players who wanted slideshot and QuickDraw and has no ‘unique’ tendencies. I think the QuickDraw change will help the Meta overall as it stops the quick swap to long distance kill that gets so many players (including myself) out of trouble. Apes gonna ape but most of them are bad.

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