Bungie you promised to get rid of the FOMO, but one quick look at the website and I can't obtain previous Season Pass items. Meanwhile this Seasons ends in 24 days so I wouldn't even get the chance to complete it. You guys said the content will be up for a year, Season Pass is part of the season.
I also paid for it. So do you want the FOMO to stay, or what is it? I wanted to get back into the game, finish up the old season pass and this one at my own pace as I knew you guys said the FOMO will be reduced and I could access the content I paid for at my leisure, but this makes me not want to play as I would once again be chasing a carrot on a stick for the current season. Is there a solid reason for not making previous Season Pass content - that is not free btw - unobtainable?
Is it to the benefit of the players or is it to the benefit of Bungie because they can put content I paid for to the Eververse again in the future so I can pay for it again? I don't understand this philosophy and am baffled by it, the items are exclusive as you have to buy the pass, not if you play a lot. So if the rest of the content is on yearly rotation, why can't I take my sweet time to get the rewards in a year? If this was a F2P game I wouldn't be saying a word, but it is content we paid for, not rented.
You know that players come and go as the season starts and ends and they buy the passes, why not lend them a hand to catch up on all they've missed? That would go a long, long way to incentivize me to play as I get overwhelmed each time I click on the "install Destiny 2" button. I am overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I would have to do before the season ends to get the content that I paid for, that I don't even play. Please make it so that we can earn previous seasons Season Passes items and levels so we can play at our own leisure and not feel overwhelmed or pressured to play the game. Please Bungie make this happen.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[b][i]You had to be there...[/i][/b]