The battle of five armies is my favorite.
Edited by Styxx: 4/22/2021 10:22:11 PMALL OF THEM Books are good too
Fellowship. None of The Hobbit.
[i]The Fellowship of the Ring. I love all the LOTR movies, but Fellowship is the only one that feels like a complete film. I can watch it without having to watch the other 2, but I can't say the same about the other 2 films. The Hobbit films feel a bit unnecessary. I don't hate them, but I do wonder why they exist.[/i]
Return of the King
This one.
I have never seen any of those.
The one with Kim Kardashian as the star.
I haven't seen any of the good cuts of the originals in a very long time so I can't say. My favourite scene is the one where Pippin sings to King Denethor though, I like the contrast of it, and iirc that wasn't in the book when I read it so for original content it was great.
All I remember about that movie is a big blob of bodies. I think Fellowship is my favorite. I like the adventure vibes
The two towers