I know perfectly well Destiny 2 is basically about magic space Jedis who like to shoot anything that moves, and that if I wanted real military-style weapons I should play Call of Duty or some such thing, but...
...it drives me to distraction sometimes that slideshot is a thing. Running straight at someone and then sliding to shoot them is just so wrong in conception, yet this is something you see in Destiny 2 and some other games. I just have to imagine an actual infantry squad slideshotting on a real battlefield and it makes me break out in laughter because the image is so ridiculous.
And hand cannons being a dominant weapon on any battlefield where assault rifles are everywhere, ha. I can tell you that my old 7.62 NATO FN Fal would not lose to a guy using a glorified Dirty Harry-style hand cannon, especially at any sort of distance. There's a reason why long guns are more accurate in general than anything with a short barrel. Unless a hand cannon has a two-foot-long barrel or so, it isn't going to outrange any AR. But of course, in Destiny, a slow-firing hand cannon destroys anyone using a rapid-fire AR. It's actually quite funny.
There are other examples of this I could go on about but you get the point.
None of this is a complaint, mind you. I just know that any other ex-infantry must be bemused at the relative strengths of different categories of weapons in this game and others. It's just the way it is. Realism needs to take a back seat to fun.
Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go do some missions with my Huckleberry SMG which automatically reloads itself, and use my mini-sun-like solar grenades until I can draw my flaming sword and smite my enemies. And I'll try not to laugh doing it.
(BTW, for anyone wanting to see probably the biggest (and most ridiculous) real-world hand cannon, Google the .600 Nitro Express Zeliska revolver. It's 13 pounds (heavier by far than most ARs) and fires bullets that cost about $50 each. It's a really strange beast of a weapon. I hope Bungie doesn't see this post or we might see some version of this thing in the game in the future...)
game not realistic? :0
Post starts with "I know perfectly well that Destiny 2 ... [quote]is basically about magic space Jedis who like to shoot anything that moves[/quote] and continues with "it bothers me that Destiny 2 ... [quote]is basically about magic space Jedis who like to shoot anything that moves[/quote]
If you know perfectly well the difference between real life and a video game, then what is this post about 🤷♂️
Well, the moment you can just revive because of a little thing called ghost, that is powered by a giant ball that is a god in the sky... ...is when you should realize that adding real life logic here wont get you very far.
Edited by Bieltan: 3/27/2021 5:23:37 PMHow about this? Look at the magazine placement. 😭
Have you played with the Eriana's Vow Exotic Hand Cannon yet? It always reminded me a bit of the .600 Zeliska, especially the kick when you shoot them. Here's a video if you haven't seen the gun in the game: https://youtu.be/uyOYnj5uGw0
Damn, maybe you should go try this game called "Insurgency Sandstorm" It has a pretty sick 8 man PVE where you actually feel like a soldier specially when your playing with people with mics. It's hardcore mode, so 1 or 2 shots and your dead depending on where your shot obviously. When you die you can't respawn until your team completes the objective or round. If your team dies you restart from the beginning (PVP pretty sweet too!)
You should know the difference between real life and video games.
If you don't like sliding then don't play Bulletstorm.
Your first problem is having a sort of realistic point of view when you’re playing a game where you can turn into an explosive ball of lightning.
Dude you’re crazy, every dismounted patrol I ever did in my 15 years always involved me slidshotting. Slideshotting is a tactic that we Marines train in. The ability to scare your enemy as you charge fearlessly straight at them only to quickly slide, distracting them, and shoot them whilst mid slide with a shotgun, is not something joked about on the battlefield. Not sure about the Army, because you said x soldier, but in the Marines the standard issue for E5 and below is a shotgun and a Revolver. SNCOs and Os get a buckshot 3 round burst shotgun, or bastions as they call them. Not sure what game you’re playing, but destiny seems as if it was literally made from my combat experiences, clearly.
Actually, the handcannons are not much smaller than the nitro express. Some of them are like the size of a forearm.
Thanks for your service. What year did you deploy to Iraq?
I mean. Its a game where we cant die and get resurrected by a tiny flying robot, and are magic powers come from a golf ball in the sky. Sliding and shooting might be one of the only things in the game that is realistically believable lol
Two things that get me laughing on here. 1. Palindrome ejecting brass cases when it's clearly a revolver. 2. The very first weapon you get is a ar-15 with charging handle.... but you reload it like an Russian made rifle. Lmao
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Pretty sure Seal Team 6 got Osama Bin Laden by "3-Peeking" using Lost Lament. -
To be fair handcsnnons are giant 50 cal revolvers. Still not exactly accurate or usable. But the range can make sense to some degree.
The Hand Cannon thing drives me nuts also. But what burns me the most is their ridiculous magazine size. Completely unrealistic! Yes I know there are off shoot customs etc of high capacity revolvers, but know those are extremes, impractical, and in no way normal. But hey, I know “balance” and fun are more important and I do like my games to feel like games; not a simulator. That’s why I don’t get burned about slide shotgunning, scouts not being dominant (pros don’t use auto), invis, knife tosses, space magic! The list could go on.
I actually can’t figure out why weapon range is a stat in destiny at all. As you’ve pointed out, a long rifle (AR, Scout, Sniper) should shoot farther and more accurately than a handcannon.
Well it's simple. [spoiler]space magic![/spoiler]