I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that supports me if that happens.
[b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b]
We are a growing clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us in Season of the Chosen.
[b]Guardian Spirit[/b] is a clan for those that have anxiety, depression and those that are shy. We are an 18+ clan. We also like to focus on creating a safe space for those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. We are a very raid-centric clan and love teaching new members the ropes.
Our group is mainly situated in North America and Europe.
There are two sections to the clan, which are both exactly the same. We are currently recruiting for the second division of the clan!
If you are interested, please give us a try!
[b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b]
~ Be Helpful
~ Be Friendly
~ Be Proactive
~ Be Kind
~ Be Mature
[b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b]
We use a fantastic app called BAND. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. This app is available for both Android and iPhone. It is also available via webpage at www.band.us
Every month we do a clan “check-in”. This ensures that members are active within the Band community. We do not boot for Destiny inactivity; however, you will lose your clan tag if you do not respond to the monthly check-in.
When you are accepted into the clan, instructions on how to join the BAND group will be provided via private message.
[b]Please note: [/b]Only accepted applications will be approved on BAND. Further details below.
[b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b]
[b]Clan Mother/Founder[/b]
[b]Joining the Spirit[/b]
There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian.
[b]You have two options for sending in your answers:[/b] Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! [u](Please do NOT message me on psn.)[/u]
- What is your PSN?
- What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.)
- Do you have a headset?
- What country are you from?
- Age? (Or, or are you over 18?)
- Optional: Anything else you’d like to add?
[b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b]
I think that just about covers it! If you would like any further information, please feel free to message me.
Happy Adventuring Guardian!
~ Lenah
[i]***This is an 18+ Playstation Clan.*** [/i]
Hey, you guys sounds really nice by the way. Recently got back into D2 but there's so much new content and it'd be cool to go through it with some people. Space for one more? What is your PSN? BakedMutant - What are your pronouns? He/him - Do you have a headset? Yep, but I need to find it out though - What country are you from? UK - Age? 30
- What is your PSN? Shadow_Thief - What are your pronouns? He - Do you have a headset? Yes - What country are you from? U.S. (Las Vegas) - Age? over 50 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? Enjoy helping with dungeons and exotic quest missions, like Presage and Harbinger, or to get weapons like Xenophage
Edited by Zuni: 3/7/2021 2:33:30 AMsonofpazuzu he Scotland, UK Yes 45 I’m quiet, like to game with friends although not always pressured into joining party chat. I play a LOT (too much) and enjoy helping others where I can.
- paulorod105 -He - Yes - I am Portuguese, living in the US - 43 - I was part of the clan, left and now I just want to go back home.
This Clan rocks imo! All the members are helpful witty have a sense of humor willing to go that extra mile for you.If your shy that's fine we won't yell at you cause your not talking we will help you to feel more at ease. If your anxiety tends to rise we got you so does ours we understand the situation. Give us a chance that's all we are asking.
1.) Myszzkka 2.)he/him 3.)yes 4.) US 5.) 22
Edited by SINISTERCROW: 3/5/2021 8:41:56 AMOUTLAW_SASQUATCH He/him/hey you USA Yes 45 Been playing since D1. I play daily, willing to help anyone. Kinda quiet.
Psn: GalaxyDarkXD He/him Yes USA 23 Just coming back to d2 looking for more people to play with
1) X5k_Jay 2) He/him/his 3) Yes 4) USA 5) 19
PSN: IsshinKensei He Yes USA 31
Zanex117 He/Him Yes! The UK 24 Hey! I’ve just moved over from PC to console, looking to join an active clan and this post seemed the most wholesome. Nice to meet ya!
1) KevPorterBridges 2) He 3) Yes 4) USA 5) 29 I'm hoping to join a friendly/casual clan whom I can enjoy some group activities with. I've always been turned off and nervous by the serious nature of LFG's. This is really my first time stepping out of my comfort zone, meeting new people, and even posting a message anywhere on the internet. I'm also a father of a very spunky 2.5 year old who will not always allow me to be online. I'd love to be able to hop in with some folks without the pressure of over performing and enjoy the game when I have the time.
-What is your PSN? - katabasis-92 - What are your pronouns? - He/Him - Do you have a headset? - Yes - What country are you from? - UK - Age? - 25 - Optional: - can be quite shy at first.
[quote]I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that supports me if that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a growing clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us in Season of the Chosen. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Guardian Spirit[/b] is a clan for those that have anxiety, depression and those that are shy. We are an 18+ clan. We also like to focus on creating a safe space for those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. We are a very raid-centric clan and love teaching new members the ropes. Our group is mainly situated in North America and Europe. There are two sections to the clan, which are both exactly the same. We are currently recruiting for the second division of the clan! If you are interested, please give us a try! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. This app is available for both Android and iPhone. It is also available via webpage at www.band.us Every month we do a clan “check-in”. This ensures that members are active within the Band community. We do not boot for Destiny inactivity; however, you will lose your clan tag if you do not respond to the monthly check-in. When you are accepted into the clan, instructions on how to join the BAND group will be provided via private message. [b]Please note: [/b]Only accepted applications will be approved on BAND. Further details below. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Clan Mother/Founder[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Admin[/b] Gamer_Dragon3 [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. [b]You have two options for sending in your answers:[/b] Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! [u](Please do NOT message me on psn.)[/u] [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) - Do you have a headset? - What country are you from? - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! If you would like any further information, please feel free to message me. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Playstation Clan.*** [/i][/quote]
X_SLANDER_X He/him Yes Australia 20
- What is your PSN? - officerumours - What are your pronouns? - He/Him - Do you have a headset? - No - What country are you from? - U.K. - Age?- over 18
PSN: SoyBoi4910 Pronouns: He/Him Headset: yes Country: US Age: 23 Optional: I play destiny in spurts but I’m super into it right now, I want to start raiding and getting that raid loot!
- What is your PSN? LonelyPastry - What are your pronouns? He - Do you have a headset? No - What country are you from? US - Age? 27 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? I'm a lonely pastry
- What is your PSN? Sir-N- - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) He - Do you have a headset? Yes - What country are you from? France/England - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 29 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? I've been playing destiny 2 since the Osiris DLC and I've been a solo player pretty much the entire time. I always wanted to try a Raid or farm some of the dungeons, the only dungeon i've done is the shattered throne. I never used LFG because the posts were always serious, no-one looking to do something casually just for fun ...and because I always used to stress out just thinking about talking with complete strangers. (Hell I used to worry about playing stikes when I started the game because you had to play with others) Seeing the rules you follow in this clan closed the deal for me wanting to join your clan.
Edited by SlyRawnic: 3/3/2021 10:41:17 AM[quote] [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) - Do you have a headset? - What country are you from? - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? [/quote] 1. kidwithdahair03 2. He/him 3. Yes 4. USA 5. Over 21 years old, but under 30 6. Looking for casual, but active jump in/jump out type of clan. I’m typically a solo player due to shyness and anxiety and do most things on my own and only resort to LFG if absolutely necessary, but rarely raid. I’d like to do nightfalls and possibly work raids in when feeling sociable. Willing to play PvP modes like iron banner and regular PvP, but not things like competitive PvP/trials of Osiris. My competitive/trials days ended in D1. [spoiler]currently in a dying clan of friends that come back to d2 once in a blue moon and would likely not be noticed if I left lol[/spoiler]
Can you add me please
itzza-jeep-thing he/him headset=yes USA 45 I've been playing Destiny on & off since D1 Y1. I enjoy both pve and pvp. I'm looking to get out of my solo comfort zone.
Adult PSN Clan seeks mature active members to join their family. ♡♡♡ No BS, 21+, 4+ years active, Only *20* spots remain!!! Hello guardians! My name is Ogo, and This is a Good Clan. Here at TGC, everyone is encouraged to play together, teach when possible, treat each other as equals, laugh and have fun. We do weekly Meet and Greets, Seasonal Contests, and have a well structured admin team that are friendly, approachable, helpful and above all caring. We have 20 spots available, if this sounds like a Good fit for you request membership now @ https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2887221
I am rootluxator on ps4. I joined Your clan but now I have been disconnected. I am a he Have headset I am from sweden Age 65 And I want to join again. What did I do wrong? Sincerely Yours.