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Edited by Braywolf: 2/17/2021 12:40:01 AM

So what can a Free to Player do other than nothing this season?

So I am more than a little annoyed with how Season of the Chosen has been set up so far for f2p (Free to Play) players. Let's just take a look at what Season 13 has to offer. [u]Battlegrounds[/u] - A new PVE activity that is not available for f2p players unless it is part of a storyline quest which none are available at this time. Side note, the War table bounties are not available for f2p players either so the H.E.L.M is pretty much useless. [u]New Armor, Weapons, and Umbral Engram[/u] - As usual, this season brought some new armor along with reviving some old weapons archetypes such as linear fusion and bows, sadly for f2p a massive amount of that loot is not available outside of storyline quest or through the pretty low drop rates of the umbral engram. Which for some reason still drop loot from the Season of Arrival making it more difficult to get this season's loot (whether this is good or bad depends on your view). [u]New Season Pass Systeam[/u] - The Season 13 pass has been altered to be as anti-f2p as possible. This time around there are no small XP boots to help level up faster so leveling up is super slow for the average player, nor is there any good loot after level 26 outside of the exotic bow at level 35 as everything after that is either bright dust or a seasonal engram. (I don't count the exotic cipher seeing how a f2p player can get one once a week from Xur for the same amount of effort) [u]Ticuu's Divination Exotic Bow [/u] - Nothing changed since this is the season exotic. Anyone can get it either get it though leveling up or by buying the pass to get it early so all good here. [u]Dead Man's Tale Exotic Scout Riffle[/u] - A new soft drop exotic that is not available to f2p players even though they can pick up the quest in Nightfall: The Ordeal The Arms Dealer without the pass. If you don't have the pass and still pick it up the quest will be available from Zavala if you decided to buy the pass later on in the season. Side note this exotic is similar to Hawkmoon and has a random roll system (something I and many others are not a fan of). And at this time that's about it. Look I know it's early to be complaining but these first few weeks are setting a bad president. Pretty much every aspect of this season is locked behind a paywall, something Bungie has been ranting about not wanting to do since before Beyond Light dropped. And yet here we are. From where I sit every part of this season is locked behind the season pass. From the war table bounties to the battleground activities, to the almost stupidly low loot drop with limited availability for f2p players. It's not hard to claim that this is Bungie's most paywall season yet as there is quite literally nothing a f2p player can do outside the typical activities such as Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Strciks. So I ask again, what will free-to-play players be able to do this season other than the same activities they could have done before this season?

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  • Edited by Braywolf: 2/17/2021 9:22:30 PM
    So I'm going to address a few of the most common comments I saw. One, I do pay. I have bought a season pass every season since Season of the Dawn excluding Season of the Arrival due to be being salty after Season of the Worthy. And I'm not a new player, I have been playing since before D2 came to steam (between Forsaken and Shadowkeep) with a total of over 800 hours of playtime on Steam. What I was trying to get at is that D2 is NOT a F2P anymore, all the content F2P could do outside of Stricks, Crucible, and Gambit has been removed and what's left is limited by the paywalls. Two, The argument of spending $10 (or ~8 Pounds) every 13 weeks is not what I'm talking about. Bungie keeps claiming that D2 is a healthy F2P environment when it clearly is not. The argument is not giving F2P players everything, the argument is why do we need to buy a pass every season? If I bought Beyond Light for $60, then why do I need to buy $10 (~8 Pounds) every 13 weeks for basic PVE activities and legendary loot pools? Including all four seasons, that's a total of ~110 a year not including people spending money on silver for a F2P game. As a veteran player, I am simply saying that the Bungies F2P module is nothing short of a lie. I have high hopes for this season with its new loot, the new PVE activities, the two new exotics, the new challenge system, etc... But only as a paying player as I see no reason for 99.99% of seasonal content being locked behind a paywall for players who bought Beyond Light for full price. Three, the fact that F2P gets access to Trials and high-level PVP activities is not a good thing and part of the problem. It is the prime reason for cheating in D2 and I fully agree that Trials, Iron Banner, and Ranked PVP should be locked out for F2P, or that Bungie starts handing out Hardware bands for confirmed cheaters. Four, I don't personally count the "free three strikes" seeing how they were meant to drop with Beyond Light's release along with the return of the Cosmodrome. But due to massive bug issues with the launch and that season 12 was falling way behind, they were pushed to this season which is fine. They just don't count as free content for this season seeing how it's a late release. Look I understand that it cost money to make new content, but when Bungie starts removing free elements that have been free in every season before it that's where I start to draw the line. What I am doing is calling out Bungie for their almost non-stop hollow promise of F2P getting fewer paywalls when that is clearly not true. It's getting hard to argue that D2 is not a subscription-based game seeing how more and more content is being locked behind a paywall every 13 weeks.

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