Healing Rift | Empowering Rift |
Burst Glide | Strafe Glide | Blink |
[b][u]MELEE ABILITIES[/u][/b]
[b][u]Devour[/u][/b]: (REVAMPED)
Kills with this melee ability fully regenerate your health, & grant an over shield. (Overshield health sits at around 45, for 8 seconds)
[b][u]Entropic Pull[/u][/b]:
Charged melee hits drain your opponents life force, to restore a large portion of your grenade ability.
[b][u]Atomic Breach[/u][/b]:
Charged melee hits lunge your opponent away, & fill them with void light - causing them to explode.
Vortex | Axion | Scatter |
Vortex | Cataclysm | Nova Warp |
:: [i]Can only hold 2 at a time[/i] ::
[b][u]Dark Matter[/u][/b]:
Ability kills restore a portion of your grenade | melee | rift | health.
[b][u]Insatiable Hunger[/u][/b]: (REVAMPED)
Overcharged ability final blows (I.e handheld | overcharged grenades | super ability) activate a timer & fully restore your health. Each kill while the timer’s present will reset your timer, & continue to fully restore your health.
+20 Resilience
[b][u]Bloom[/u][/b]: (REVAMPED)
Void ability kills will fill the enemy with Void Light, & cause a concussive explosion.
+10 strength
[b][u]Embrace The Void[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Gain a substantial increase to your movement speed, & health regeneration for each fully charged ability. That includes your grenade | melee | rift. 1x stacked increase for each ability charged.
+10 recovery
+10 mobility
[b][u]Cosmetic Collapse[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Restore a large portion of both your grenade & melee abilities, when critically wounded.
-15 disciple
-15 strength
:: [i]Can only hold 1 at a time[/i] ::
[b][u]Handheld Supernova[/u][/b]:
Hold your melee ability to fill it with void light. Release to throw a flurry of horizontal spheres to vaporize your opponent.
Hold your grenade ability to fill it with void light. Release to throw a more powerful variation of your grenade ability.
[b][u]Unholy Devour[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Hold your grenade ability to consume it, & gain a significant portion of your super ability.
-10 Intellect
-10 discipline
[b][u]Chaotic Combustion[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Fill yourself with void light, to trigger a massive void explosion upon death.
+20 intellect
[b][u]Abyssal Sacrifice[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Forsake your super ability, to gain an additional melee | grenade | rift. Your additional abilities will always be enhanced - via damage & duration, when fully charged.
+10 discipline
+10 strength
+10 recovery
:: Check out the Arc Subclass Rework [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/258067569/0/0]Here[/url] ::
:: Check out the Solar Subclass Rework [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/258078238/0/0]Here[/url] ::
:: Check out the Ice Breaker Rework [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/259319590/0/0]Here[/url] ::
Man I love warlock void. Ur some of this stuff would be hella op. Loving the concepts though, keep it up!