I just started playing looking for a noob friendly clan that can help guide me and help me I prefer 18+ clan but I understand since I’m new not many would take me haha but yeah thank you for the time of reading this post
Edited by My name wicked Jeff: 1/12/2021 7:04:06 PMSorry we're an an xbox clan, didn't check what console your on lol good luck
Hey I know you said 18+ but if you fit the age range maybe the clan I recently started is for you! Our clan is for students so our ages range from 16-22ish. We are all relatively active at night and as you can imagine, a lot of us are students. If that's something you'd be interested in let me know!
Do you need a note for school tomorrow? What about a prescription for all night gamer syndrome? We've got you covered at the Dr's Office. We are an old veteran clan being brought back from the dead for the current expansion. We take new players and veterans alike and are willing to help you get through any challenges that you need help with. So, if you are interested in joining please do so on our clan page. Thank you and remember an apple a day keeps the Cabal away. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2894158 https://discord.gg/SJGnA4aepZ
We’re a chill clan that will help with Raids and triumphs. Check out our “about us” and request to join up if interested. 🤙 Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4473593
Hi there, I'm the founder of GOAT Status Clan. We love helping out new guardians and would love to help you along the way if you would be willing to join us. We are a laid back and diverse clan and enjoy all of Destiny's content. If you willing to join, add MarshGOAT on PS4/PS5 or send me a message on here. Would love to hear back from you.