Why have we never gotten this back from D1?
Sure it was a silly game mode, but at least it added some diversity.
How would you feel about having it back again as a permanent game mode or at the least a seasonal event?
Rather going into the playlist than to be satisfied for only 3 days while the event is still there.
I'd rather them focus on core playlist and activities.
Atm it'd be a waste of resources. Playlist activities need massive overhauls first in addition to general loot progression.
SRL sucked.
I skipped it in D1, I’d skip it again in D2.
It wouldn’t work because the scourge sparrow is disproportionately faster than all other sparrows
Would love to see SRL come back during Dawning instead of easy bake oven mode.
We want SRL Bungie!
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I want SRL with the full “Mario Kart” power ups based on your equipped subclass, and the ability to damage/destroy other Guardian’s Sparrows. New maps inspired by iconic Destiny Raids/Strikes. Bring back Sparrow Horns. Give some Sparrows great acceleration and some great handling/braking/cornering. Shaxx, Saint-14, Ana, Variks, and Drifter provide call outs/commentary. New Armor Ornaments earned from each track. -
I'd like to see it return for some diversity and personally I never got to experience it. I think it should be a seasonal thing and not a core activity just so it doesn't get stale too soon.
I swear I heard a voice like in the tower this season asking whether SRL will come back. If this line is new then it d put money on them doing it. Suits as the activity for guardian games.
In my imagination, Savathun shows up at the Last City on the back of a monstrously large Hive sparrow and challenges the Guardians to a series of races to determine control over the cosmos.
Sadly, bungie devs have stated that the cost of making srl was much more than the player engagement and stated that we probably won’t see it return really ever. The thing is, now we just want some form of content and if it’s srl or whatever we’d probably happy with it because of how lackluster season of the hunt is.
Definitely want to see it return But as destiny is a looter shooter of sorts, why can't we see a range of Sparrows, for use in SRL only. They'd have perks like guns, mines, smoke or.? Wipeout meets destiny!
SRL won't be the same with the nerf to sparrows
Better than making bullshit cookies
I think it would be a better experience to play a racing game instead. Bungie already said it wasn't popular enough to bring back.
Bringing it back for the Dawning and Bungie Day would be fun
bungie struggles to make decent content as it is so im gonna say pass.
I'd like to see it come back as a monthly event like Iron Banner, just as something different to do with some new rewards
Take dawning as it is- cookies and all, add SRL back in and you may just have a decent event with a fun activith
100% it should return. That said Bungie have already said that it’ll never come back as not enough people liked/played it and so it was a waste of their resources
Id like to see SRL return, but with some changes. There needs to be items or abilities involved in the races like in mario kart. Let me throw grenades, melee, and super while I'm on my sparrow so I can Ludacris people. If they can make that happen I'd want it back as a permanent mode, but that requires a lot of work, and vision let's be real Bungie don't do that.
It would be better PVP then what we got now.
I have no idea why people hate it... the alternative is baking cookies...