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Edited by The Spoken: 12/11/2020 7:54:15 PM

My review of Cyberpunk2077 (not what you might expect) BEWARE SPOILERS

Well, here I am... having played a whopping 10 hours of the game I am here to report some of my findings. First of all I think the rumors of an under-baked leveling system was slightly exaggerated, I would call this advancement system fluffy and and interesting. When I hopped into the game I was expecting it to be mildly like an RPG, and I was for the most part right. The RPG however is very quickly lost in scripted events during the 1st Act. The game was definitely guiding my hand through the process of playing the main story, there were other side jobs to do but they really didn't interest me like the main story did, and the world while open and very beautiful did prove a bit difficult to navigate at times as a player. I felt like dialogue choices were really unimportant, outside of a few moments where my characters background as a Corpo came into play. Most of "Act 1" felt like an introduction sequence- where I was hoping I might get some more freedom- and this did happen when the rest of the map really opened up. All in all I've got a lot of exploring left to do. The aesthetic is a combination of Blade Runner and GTA, with huge megabuildings that tower over you and some parts where the name "Night City" becomes clear as they are in perpetual darkness. I was really digging the atmosphere and the immersion and then a couple floating chopsticks danced in front of the character model I was talking to, cloned from the ones they were holding and eating lo mein with at a streetside food stand. The immersion breaking bugs were entertaining at best, _Ask Bopsheezi about the breakdancing corpse on an elevator during a super serious conversation_ and at worst, they were downright annoying, my character would automatically crouch at certain points during a conversation and Jumping like a monkey man in front of the brothel boss, who I was trying to intimidate to fix this, felt a bit... silly. The good news was, my posturing; and likely my corpo background, convinced the hard-[i]a[/i]ss fellow to back down. Now aside from the occasional immersion breaking bug, I noticed that the hacking systems are not always entirely reliable, I confused myself when I hacked an electronic lock on a bundle of scrap to spill it all over the floor only to have the NPC enemies not be distracted by the loud clanging metal hitting the ground, but that wasn't surprising as I didn't hear any noise either. Another thing that caught me off guard was when I had inadvertantly started a conversation with an NPC, when I walked into a building, having forgotten something outside I quickly ran out to find a purveyor of snuff films and wound up greeting the nearby wall by name... disturbing... One other technical thing that I noticed was the brightness went up a lot when driving in cars, simulating the blindness one receives when driving on the freeway without sunglass, while I am all for realism in games- cdpr- thisainitchief. But all of these things are petty problems compared to a fascinating and engaging story line that drives the action forward, the characters (while also glitchy sometimes) are more than skin deep, and it's clear the writers were very passionate about the project. So much so that the dialogue pacing is almost unbearable at times, but still engaging; you want to know whats around each corner, and what's happening next. Bugs can be fixed, and glitches removed, the gameplay of Cyberpunk2077 is definitely a learning curve, you use more than just guns and grenades and healthpacks, by upgrading your cyberdeck you gain access to more combat RAM allowing you to hack the implants of multiple enemies at once, and pay them back for Overheating your goddamn skin like a litt frazza braza... ahem... The overheat from enemies is annoying. You can short circuit someone's implants to do damage, you can take them out of combat stance by wiping their memory temporarily, and you acquire more of these programs, called "Daemons" that you do other things with. All in all I was little disappointed by all the bugs but the game really isn't the mess they say it is children. The gameplay feels a bit clunky but that changes as you upgrade your character and cyberware. That is all, let you know what I think more later

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  • Edited by Psyntifik: 12/15/2020 11:42:47 AM
    [quote] some parts where the name "Night City" becomes clear as they are in perpetual darkness.[/quote] The city was named after its founder when it was rebuilt after the Fourth Corporate War nuked it. The war and the assassination of Richard Night are really neat pieces of lore if you're ever interested. As for the game, I'm pretty meh about it. The quests and characters are pretty lame and the lifepath is pants. I'm honestly not connected to anybody - even V. It doesn't help that I rarely meet my quests givers. Getting a quest is just a phone call that is literally "Hey, V, this guy did some bad stuff. Go take him out. I'll text you some backstory. Peace!" . Then you go to the marker on the map and do something menial and get out. Hacking was also a disappointment. All they needed to do was look at the Shadowrun games. Instead we got the point-and-click hacking you find in Watchdogs. I didn't expect it to meet the hype, but I expected it to meet the quality of The Witcher at least. With all of those said, I am enjoying it for the fps game it is.

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    2 Replies
    • Cyberpunk is not made for ps4 or Xbox one so if you get those versions expect tons of problems Because those were made as a after thought they are literally downgraded versions So get the next gen or pc version

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      • I’ve never been sold on the game, and don’t plan to get it. The atmosphere and story seem...cheesy, almost? Hearing that it was rushed has me feeling bad for the poor devs and laughing at the people who expected to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]

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          [quote]but the game really isn't the mess they say it is children.[/quote] uh Aside from tree textures popping through everything, NPCs moonlighting as professional ventriloquists, having my car dragged thirty miles through scripted driving scenes because I parked in the wrong spot, being unable to stand during dialogue because C is bound to both skip and crouch, going deaf when shooting out of a car window, and overall wonky animations, the T-posing palooza that is Cyberpunk is about as meh as meh gets. I was literally invincible for the last hour or so of gameplay because the game glitched and I stopped taking damage. The game isn’t totally unplayable, but not for a lack of trying. It’s a hot mess.

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          • Edited by Cultmeister: 12/12/2020 6:42:13 PM
            Main problems I’ve encountered on a Xbox One X are a few freezes (that unfroze themselves fairly quickly), and one of the enemies in the weapons tutorial disappearing (I assume he clipped through a wall or the floor or something? I turned around to gank the last guy and he had just gone) forcing me to load the last save (and it seems to auto save pretty regularly so I don’t see that being a game-breaking problem mid-game). Also random NPCs mouths don’t seem to work most of the time. Just got to my apartment though so there may be more to come, but given how people have been going apeshit it really doesn’t play that awfully at all, perfectly acceptable given there are undoubtedly patches on the way. Also as someone who remembers how awful Fallout: New Vegas was at launch, I’m perfectly happy to plough through a few glitches here and there. Might not rise to being my favourite game of all time like FNV did but I’m confident it’ll turn out decent enough to be worth the launch price.

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          • It should've been on 360

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            • I’ve only played 3 hours, started as a street kid built like the blonde fellow from the Chad memes. For some reason I chose hard mode, but it really hasn’t been that bad yet so I’ll see how that goes... A few freezes, one crash and a few bugs are all the complaints I have. I am on an Xbox one S so I guess that’s not the worst it could be. Hacking is fun, but a bit... messy... I’m hoping I’ll get more used to it. All in all, I’m definitely going back for more

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              7 Replies
              • The -blam!-ing elevator ride! That was some silly shit. Mr. Generic (Speaker's character): "Yo, that was some heavy shit." The real hero: "I know, it's going to get worse." [i]The corpse of a interdimensional time being who phased in and out of existence during the fight in this cramped elevator: *Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing*[/i]

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                • It's what I expected tbh. A good, maybe great game, but one that doesn't live up to the sky high expectations that were placed on it.

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