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Edited by LifeofReilly: 9/22/2020 10:20:29 PM

Bring back some form of Skill Based Matchmaking

I would say that am a medium-ish skill PVP player ([i]though in all fairness I am patently aware that I may be on the wrong part of the Dunning-Kruger curve here- I could just be total garbage[/i]). In the olden days, the Skill Based Matchmaking days, I would be at top of the team about as often as I would be at the bottom of the team, and I generally wound up in the middle ranks. It was a good mix of wins and losses just about every time. Lobbies were mostly well balanced with everyone generally near the same ELO score. I almost never felt like I was rolling over people and I rarely felt like I was being rolled over. It was a good time. The only time I'd really get rolled was when I grouped with my friends who are *much* better than I was, and we would match against people who were closer in skill to them than to me. Still, not terrible. I was a Silver I of Silver II ranked player in Control. Then Bungie eliminated all skill based matchmaking. Oh Lordy. Right now, the lobbies I am in are so lopsided that most of the time it's not remotely pleasant. I don't know how they arrange SBM v CBM, but if I were to guess, it seems that in the Skill Based Matchmaking days, ELO scores within a SBM team were constrained to being within a modest standard deviation of each other and that team was then matched against another team with a similarly ranged ELO score with a similar distribution. This resulted in the kind of experiences I was having before the elimination of SBM. And now with CBM, it sure feels like Bungie arranges and balances lobbies based solely upon the total team ELO score with no concern for the distribution of ELO scores [i]within[/i] a team. As an example, see my linked disaster report. What kind of experience am I supposed to walk away with when I am matched against a team where [u]three[/u] of the players are in the top 0.9%, 0.3% and 0.1% of all Destiny players. It really doesn't matter that they balanced that lobby by putting people with even lower ELO than I have on their team (we had a 91% and a 92% chance of winning respectively, but in reality we had [b]zero[/b] chance of winning). While you can "balance" a wrestling team of six 13-year-olds against a team of five 9-year-olds and The Rock. How is that a going to end? How is that balanced? How is that fun for anyone? How in the world would someone design a system that let that happen? Bungie [b]could[/b] have implemented a system whereby players could [i]choose[/i] whether they wanted SBM or CBM and let them decide the kind of experience they wanted to have. It would have allowed players to [b]opt in[/b] to getting crushed by people of such high skill that when one adds up the KDA of the losing team it wouldn't come close to the KDA of the top person of the other team. I mean, one could [b]totally[/b] chose that experience. Or players could say "Oh HELL no", chose to play against people of similar skill. If your response to that is "But then no one would ever play SBM", I'll allow the response to that the be an exercise for the reader. As it is now, Bungie [b]feeds low skill crucible players to high skill players[/b] and I am profoundly resentful and disappointed in this decision. PVP went from fun to miserable. Getting bagged by Diamond skill level players when I'm running around at Bronze III or Silver II is not even humbling. It's abuse by design. I know the responses here. "Gut gud"- and dude, I have. But there is no level of me getting good that changes the outcome of the experiences that I am having. This misery [b]must[/b] be by design. It is such a powerfully [i]demoralizing and painful user experience[/i] that it can't possibly be an accident. Some game designer changed the way matchmaking works and boy do they they sure seem happy about the outcome. Is it any wonder why cheating on PC increased dramatically once this change was implemented? [[i]I still hate cheaters, and if I uttered the horrors I wish upon them every damn game it would probably get me on a watch list. But I can certainly see the motivation to cheat.[/i]] Sure, Aztecross and MTashed and Joker and the host of other streamers sing the praises of CBM and aren't roasting Bungie in their channels, but for people who don't stream or who don't have an audience, are our voices heard? How? Is that here? Does a frustrated forum post from one person make a ripple? Almost certainly not. I haven't heard anyone from Bungie address this issue other than to say "Skill based matchmaking is good" and "Play and enjoy quick games with lower stakes" (which I take to mean getting mercy'd on the regular, or mercying the other team on the regular because that PVP god was on your team this time). I am not going to learn anything in either of those matches. "Thanks. I hate it." Bring back SBMM, and allow users to chose the kind of matchmaking they want to experience.

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  • Edited by livin like larry: 9/27/2020 3:24:27 PM
    It’s quick play. It’s not that serious. When i lose in quick play, it doesn’t really bother me since A) this game isn’t competitive, and B) it’s in a social/casual playlist that should not have skill factored into simply because there isn’t a “real” incentive to win such as ranks or worthy rewards. There’s no punishment for losses. Connection quality should be of the utmost importance in quick play/control or whatever. Although I will say, connections have been kinda strange lately and hopefully bungie can look into that.

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