Hello to whoever reads this. I'm looking for a friendly clan than enjoys long walks on the beach and stupid jokes. In all seriousness, I've had some trouble finding a reliable clan to be in. Been solo for awhile now. My main goal right now is to find a clan I can enjoy running around, killing aliens, but also have the patience to teach me how to raid. I've only ever done Leviathan in d2. In d1 I was a raiding fool with many VoG clears and duo Crota clears. Main issue was keeping my light level high enough in D2 and finding a group that would be willing to put up with someone who didn't know the raid. Most people just wanted hassle free quick clears, so I gave up trying.
With triumphs right now asking for raid clears, and loot limits have been lifted, it seemed like a good idea to start looking again.
Playing solo can be alright for a time, but it drains you quickly. Also, if it matters, I also can enjoy doing some pvp/comp. I may not be the best, but I like to think I can do a pretty good job.
Consider this my application for any looking clan. I just ask that instead of just inviting me to the clan, please message me here or on Xbox so I can learn more about your clan first. It would make me a little more comfortable about joining.
Thank you for your time and have a great day. I'll end with another stupid joke:
What kind of tree grows from your hand?
...A palm tree.
Just sent ya a message!