Ever since the playlists updated I have been playing the worst teammates I have ever seen in my life. They can't for the life of them capture zones or win in firefights. They rush in to try and capture the zones but just end up failing and getting team shot and I haven't met one person in the crucible since that has gained a higher KDA than me post match. It's actually ridiculous.
You probably won't like it, but it's true. The majority of players in Crucible are awful. People need to start improving their game a bit if they want to start having better matches
so here are a few tips you can use so that you die less often:
If you see two or more pings on the radar around the corner or behind a wall, DO. NOT. ENGAGE. You will be team shot to death. If you do find yourself surrounded, bail and find the quickest exit away so that you can regroup with your team mates.
If you hear a super activate near you. RUN. Your guns will rarely help you win a firefight against a gunslinger or stormcaller unless you are absolutely confident that you can actually take on a full roaming super by yourself.
Capping and holding at least two points at all times in control is the best way to gain points. Don't cap all three and switch spawns unless the opposing team is capping the first point you took.
If you have a handcannon or some weapon that has little range, try not to peak lanes that have snipers aiming down them. If they are a good sniper they will hit and kill you. Avoid them and get closer to your guns intended range.
Follow your teammates. Teamshotting is meta and a 2v1 is always better than a 1v1. If you have a fireteam you can communicate this more effectively and run in a group.
These are just a few tips. I could go on, but for the sake of sanity please follow the advice. You will die less often.
Edited by reenry: 6/23/2020 3:08:28 AMTrust me. Anybody can be good at PvP with following some common practices. 1. Pick your fights Easy to understand, you also need to understand what situation you are going into and what range you are fighting at. If you run into a building expect someone with a shotgun or to get clapped. Your radar and intel is your best friend. Also if you are in a bad spot regroup with your team. (More of a comp tip but try to teamshoot or challenge supers with supers.) 2. Backpedaling or Rushing Know when to backpedal or rush. Its always great to fight a shotgun ape and you back pedal to see hes only doing 12 damage to you at range because you backpedal while doing damage. Thus he needs to readjust by switching or committing, still you have advantage. Rushing yourself depends on your build or your class/scenario. If you have a shotgun its always good to be ready to switch whenever. Always make sure your shotgun is in 1 shot range before you commit. 3. Radar. Just pay attention you can get out of a lot of midmap situations. 4. Just play more. Learn common jump spots or crosshair placements. Time is the best way to learn and adapt to every situation. These so called “sweats” are actually average players who put as much time into PvP then into PvE and you cant hate them for that. 5. Teammates In casual D2 pvp Ive had bad team experience during solo q. But if you get good team thats always good. But outside of comp dont expect to rely on your team to always play obj, like control. Sometimes losing is just out of your control. There are nutty people. And you will face them. And you will lose. It sucks, but you can learn and adapt.
I really do appreciate the tips on how to improve my PVP game. I need all the help I can get. I do however, find it interesting that you want everyone else to change how they play to make your PVP experience better. So here are some tips on how you can improve your PVP experience: If you don’t like the sandbox that Bungie has created, play as part of a fire team or don’t play PVP at all.
I have a theory...hear me out. If you take a veiny tube of mystery meat that once may have been chicken, and put it in an aquairium for a month without cleaning it so its got that slimy algae all up on and in it, then remove it, roll it in various species' fecis, bake at 250 for 17 hours, sprinkle with some dumpster juice, then with a rusty butterknife you lather it on the tate and scrap it back off, dip in a thrice used toilet, coat in recycled pubic dust then drop on floor in a walmart bathroom and wait to load. This, this is how bungie chooses my teammates.
1. Put on revoker 2. Install Perfect aim 3.Avoid getting beaned by Bungie 3.??? 5.Profit In all seriousness this gun is dumb, if you don’t do trials or IB might wanna learn it to snipe people.
BUT BUT I don't wana get better! I wana be insulated from people with thumbs or who know how to play! I want to be rewarded with a 1.0kd by matchmaking and team balancing algorithms!
I’m going to have to hit the liquor store for a couple of 12-packs when Iron Banner drops. It’s not going to be pretty. I hope the 4 bounties are: 1. Lose 10 games 2. Have monkeys for team mates 3. Get stomped by OP weapons 4. Just talk to Lord Shaxx
I've been playing Destiny since the start and have bought EVERY expansion. Some have been great and some not so great and Crucible is my favorite activity. However, since skill-based matchmaking was removed, I seem to be up against OP teams who just slaughter me. I had an average K/D ratio 1.68 before this season. My average in crucible matches this season is well under 1. As crucible is my favourite activity and I'm going to hold off buying the new expansion until I know whether skill based matchmaking will return. If it does, I will buy it. If not, I am happy not to.
There is a guy who said listen to your superiors 😂😂😂😂. I am weak right now in the lungs and stomach because I cant stop laughing.
Let me contribute to a few points: Please teamshot supers. People run when you can easily kill someone who is booking it at you in a super, resulting in needless kills for the other team. Get in as many 1v1s as possible, for you will test your prowess and get better, whether learning from success or death. If you can win your 1s, you won’t have to chase after your teammates all the time, also you learn to not be a liability for your team. 2v1s are awesome but don’t get overconfident. I’ve won enough 1v2s due to the overconfidence of my enemies (I’ve lost plenty as well but do not think it’s a guaranteed kill for the higher odds side). Just a few notes on what you posted based on my experience.
Edited by versatile: 6/21/2020 3:15:28 PMnot eveyone is as sweaty as you are.. maybe the 98% of casual players you play with just want to get the bounties out of the way and actually dont give flying F...ck about your hurt feelings towards playing the game you want them to play it. like it or not... casuals are the vast majority of this game, and with out them you have nothing to complain about. play survivel or trails, or find some friends to play with, so you dont have to complain here. in any case, this issue you have with bad players will never ever leave Desitny in any shape or form. And PvP players are apparently snowflakes of the special brand, so they complain when players are not as good as they are. There are so many ways in Destiny for you to compete against players as good as you, so go play with them instead. I find it stupid and ignorant that you think you are actually helping others with this post. Did you ever think that maybe, JUST maybe there is a reason why some are better than others...??????? I leave that last bit up to you to answer!!!!
Edited by JM-TheChosen1: 6/22/2020 4:06:03 PMMy Tips: #1: Practice your Fundamentals. Most of the time when I'm playing 6v6, 50% of people I killed were grounded, couldn't aim or were out in the open. You need to take advantage of your standard First Person Shooter skills starting with Movement, Aim Tracking and Use of Cover to help you STAY ALIVE. #2: Resource Management. Too many times I have used and seen weapons or loadouts that DO NOT WORK on certain maps or gametypes. Things like using short range guns on long range maps vice versa, not utilizing HEAVY AMMO and not using available abilities to the advantage etc. Make sure you are switching scopes, weapons types (Special ammo included) and using your abilities like supers, grenades, melees and class abilities when available as good habit. I have lost Comp matches because someone didn't use a super, pick up heavy, change their guns, grenade a doorway etc. #3: Map Control All us Halo Players know that Map Control is King. Standing in places of the map that are strong for angles or holding your side of the map can be SUPER EFFECTIVE during a match. KNOW YOUR LANES AND POWER POSITIONS. I have controlled spawns in this game simply by staying back when my team has overextended to the point I know the spawn will flip. You gotta know how to measure the pressure your team is putting on the enemy and know when to push the advantage and when not to. #4: Weapon and Armor Build Crafting. KNOW YOUR BUILD. Pair your exotics with your abilities and sub-classes properly by looking at a guide online or analyzing them yourself. Pair your Mods with the weapons your using for maximum effectiveness. What's the point of a SWORD MOD in Crucible when your not using one or BOSS SPEC on a gun in Control when there are NO ADS IN PVP??? Again, before you jump in, look up a guide or ask for help if you don't know. You can do whatever you want but learning new things can be cool most of the time. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. #5: Mindset Accountability Look, the salt can be real at times but you have to have control over your thoughts when things turn out not in your favor. Not everyone is a Warrior who lives for the thrill of battle and wants to die a good death for the hell of it but for those that aren't, most of the time there is something YOU could have done in the situation. The moment you stop believing you could have done something is the moment you limit your self thinking which in turn limits your actions. Got sniped? Why? Peaked down a lane right? How could you have prevented this? 1. Emoted to look around the corner down the lane. 2. Team Callouts 3. Not peaking the lane and playing into their advantage The point is that when something happens to you, the moment you give up trying to figure out what YOU could have done, you will most likely auto-pilot and continue to do what's not working then blame the other person for what happened. Me personally, I don't like Snipers. Pet peeve of mine. Can I Snipe? Yes but do I? No. Do I cry because I got smacked? No because I peeked a lane or didn't slow down to get information on their location. You gotta slow down and focus. Take what's going on into account on your behalf and the enemy. When I get taken out, I nod my head in respect because they took the opportunity or I -blam!-ed up and am now about to correct my mistake. Your mindset will help your decision making at all levels and it's a long process of knowledge that you can choose to filter through in order to better yourself. You don't have to but it's relevant and important to why things happen the way they happen. I got more but that's all ima say for now. GLHF. EDIT 1: Reading back at my own post, I realise in the Map Control Section that it describes a Zoning playstyle, I can APE or push too but this was just a standard couple of tips for those just needing general knowledge. The different playstyle usually are seen by those who at least mastered their craft past the list above. Just a side note.
It works both way. Your opponent has team mates just like yours. And most people play for fun. Hiding, Squatting and waiting is not fun for me. If everyone play like tryhard..your game become sweaty and boring. Those headless chicken players bring many entertainment to other players. And ...me one of them...LOL I want a hilarious kills. Like make chaos in the enemy crowd. You should follow those headless chicken like me...and steal many free kills because all opponent gun barrels will me on me. Throw grenades, spray your bullets..Its fun when I can see 2 or more enemies die flying from my nades or melee even I saw it on my dead body. Let's go crazy..we already serious at work...Video game Is time for fun. Bungie should bring the OHK nades back. And Titan OHK melee back.
#1 crucible tip Gnawing hunger, targetting adjuster, mountaintop. Suddenly you never lose. Hope this helps.
I understand your frustration although I think people would be more likely to listen if a little less toxic. As a below average player I do have a couple serious questions though. 1- I thought if you were playing a team mode you should always team shoot supers which you definitely can't do if you run as soon as you hear one. 2- how can you look at your radar and tell if a blip is 1, 2 or even 6 people? All I see is a red bar in the direction of where people are. And finally totally off topic where do people actualy find their stats like K/D? All I can find since Bungie stole all our stats is K/D/A and even that is only for the current season.
Edited by The Dude: 6/22/2020 9:57:22 AMWining only matters in comp & trials...play the bounties.
😂😂😂😂😂 Sounds like some tryhard advice. I never thought I would see this in the forums. How about players just play the game for fun and not try to make every match a sweat fest??? Leave teamshooting in Comp and Trials where it belongs.
Another one: LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES!! Watch what your superiors are doing and what you’re not doing. All of the players that you deem “sweaty” were in your shoes at some point. They learned, they adapted, and here they are. Jumping on the forums and complaining you’re playing “sweats” when those “sweats” are barely above a 1.0 KDA isn’t going to get you anywhere.
You are right but your tips are too boring to me. Thats the problem with the game at present. Its fun challenging groups of 2 . Challenging 3 is pretty much impossible. Too much team shooting. Its become really bad with all the stacks
I mean maybe it is just me but I am guessing a fair number of people do the same thing I do, which is just show up in crucible to just get more chores done, northing really more. You go in, in order to finish up bounties and such, and get out as fast as possible. Heck I ran only the new exotic grenade launcher (which I am by no means good with), for almost every game save for maybe the last couple because I was just getting the grenade launcher crucible kills done for the catalyst. If I don't have bounties to do, I don't tend to touch crucible, and so there is little to no incentive to actually play it "properly". Mind you I still tend to capture points and such, because I figure I might as well, but I presume that many don't bother to do so because they are entirely focused on getting their chores done.
I prefer the whiskey approach
It is a video game. It is absolutely meaningless. Who cares? Quick play is just that, quick play. It is designed for trying new load outs and different play styles.
Edited by J_Bird77: 6/21/2020 9:24:17 PMThanks for this. I've been toxic at times lately in these forums towards people complaining about cbmm, but I don't want to be that guy anymore. If anyone out there would like some advice, tips, or even just play some matches of crucible together, add me on Steam. I'll be glad to share strategies, and just general game awareness. I'm 43 years old, I used to be terrible at pvp. I ultimately became a top 50 DTR pvp player on PS4 in D1, and I currently have a 3.29 KDA, (not great but decent) this season. Everyone can improve. Don't let shaming just bring you down. Use it for motivation. Steam is J-31RD.
Edited by Rickles: 6/21/2020 7:19:28 PMWhy must Bungie force me to play crucible just so I can increase my power by a marginal amount? I don't wanna to play crucible. I'm so awful at it that it just isn't fun. You'd think, ah the guy who's had this game since launch should be somewhat decent at crucible but, no. No, no, no. He's total trash. It doesn't matter if I've played since D1. Still trash garbage. I'm sorry if I match with you as I'm an awful team mate who just... dies.
Edited by LocoToopa: 6/21/2020 7:11:47 PMThere a difference between not knowing optimal strategy and using optimal strategy... I can't remember the last time I actually played the objective, I just go pew pew boom slap boom pew pew zzzzsssschoort booooom (nova bomb sound effect.) There is zero incentive to win PvP games (except trials and maybe banana) and this is the main issue.
This is common sense and game awareness. You want to make crucible better start convincing people to stop using auto rifles.
i stop giving a $hit about Crucible.. Long time ago. Used to fun but i just go complete what i need its no point in giving a flying £uck theses dayz. Backn in D1 i could enjoy Crucible all day.