The Story of Saitonia 3rd Arc: Episode 26 (98): Terranova Will Pay
(The twins head to [b]Sky[/b]'s pet shop. She looks up at them and her face lights up.)
[b]Sky:[/b] Ohhhhhhhhh, the twins that Cat tells me about. You rarely visit me. *pouts her lips*
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Well, we're not really interested in pets. How..have you been, Sky?
[b]Sky:[/b] *sighs* It's been..all right I guess. Everyone always wants the hybrid dog or cat breeds. They never go for something a little more...exotic, you know?
[b]Saitonia:[/b] I bet there's a dozen dragons back there.
[b]Sky:[/b] Oh yes, along with other flight animals. Since you know [b]Kavita[/b] as well, I'm sure you also know Anna. She comes here with that gorgeous hybrid doggo [b]Alimus[/b]. What a rarity.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Okay okay, Sky, we'll be on a very long flight off to an island. You got any flighted pets in the back that can fly for hours?
[b]Sky:[/b] *energetically as her face lights up again* Ohhhh yeeesss! I got one! Wait here! *runs to the back of the shop, which is more widespread than the lobby*
*The twins wait until 10 seconds, where Sky peeks from the doors and signals them to come in. They oblige and enter, realizing how large this containment room is.*
[b]Sky:[/b] Take a look at her.
*The 3, along with 4 other workers look up at this creature. A white, furry dragon with sharp yellow eyes. 25 feet long with a 30-feet wingspan.*
[b]Sky:[/b] Hello there, [b]Icirius[/b].
[b][u]*Cliche-ass opening theme plays*[/u][/b]
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *looks up at the dragon* She's beautiful as hell.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] You're saying a world where the most malicious beings of life live in, is beautiful?
[b]Ainotias:[/b] No, not literally. She's an absolutel beauty.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Joking.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *sighs*
[b]Sky:[/b] Well, hop on! She only bites the ones she senses as threats.
*The twins climb up onto the back of [b]Icirius[/b]. The dragon doesn't need a signal, she just takes off.*
[b]Sky:[/b]....Twins, fate is in your hands. Save [b]Saitranovia[/b], and most importantly, save [b]Terranoviatia[/b].
(Out at the traditional house in [b]Sakrisen[/b])
*[b]Sakiro[/b] is training [b]Tenerus[/b] to be able to fight more efficiently. She's currently sending attacks with a bo staff. He's actually doing well and dodging, until he tries another dodge, but he ends up losing his balance and falls backwards.*
[b]Sakiro:[/b] *looks down at [b]Tenerus[/b]* Lost your balance, huh? Shame.
[b]Tenerus:[/b] *gets up* Yeah. That was unlucky.
[b]Sakiro:[/b] *walks over to a countertop and grabs a dummy* Let's see how fast you can react!
*[b]Sakiro[/b] throws the dummy at [b]Tenerus[/b]. He swiftly reacts by shooting it in the head with his pistol, and jumping out of way as soon as it was about to hit him.*
[b]Sakiro:[/b] *walks to [b]Tenerus[/b], who's kneeled down, and slowly claps* Wow. Just wow. Never thought I'd actually see that.
[b]Tenerus:[/b] Never thought I'd pull that off.
[b]Sakiro:[/b] *takes her mask off, sits down, and looks him in the eyes* You're just clumsy...but I think you're still worthy, [b]Tenerus[/b].
[b]Tenerus:[/b] Th-thanks....
(While the twins are on the flight to the island)
[b]???:[/b] *an echoey, resonating female voice* [b]Terranova[/b], I see. Not so surprising.
*The twins look down to realize that the dragon; [b]Icirius[/b], is talking.*
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *mystified, turns over to Sai* Whaat? She can talk?
[b]Icirius:[/b] Yes, I can. No work of fiction, all reality. So, I'm leading you to the island where all those artifacts of our history is stored?
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Yep. In case you don't know, we're from a thousand years ago. We want to head to this island to decipher these encoded truths.
[b]Icirius:[/b] That's very puzzling. Really hope you can do this. I've heard...and I've seen [b]Terranova[/b]'s capabilities, but that's the typical [b]Arckyvus[/b] Divinity. They all have the ability to send people to pasts and futures.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Well, they say time is an illusion.
[b]Icirius:[/b] Oh I believe so. The correlation between our unsophisticated perception and the physical reality is very abysmal.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Yeah...existence is confusing. *says to himself lowly* I'm gonna have to visit [b]The Fated One[/b] again if I can.
[b]Icirius:[/b] I'm gonna go faster. This island is a good 45-minute trip, maybe even an hour. Hold on!
*[b]Icirius[/b] releases a burst that allows her to fly faster.*
(Several minutes later, the [b]annihilator[/b] twins arrive at the mansion. They see that the door is cracked open, so Sage opens it further and the 2 proceed in.)
*The 2 walk in on Kav, moving around in panic and in fear. Sitting on the sofas are 3 mysterious hooded figures in dark, fantasy-like outfits, 2 wearing gas masks.*
[b]Kavita:[/b] *turns around to the [b]annihilator[/b] twins* Sai? Aino? *sighs* Oh, Sage, [b]Saffyre[/b].
[b]Sage:[/b] What did you do, Kav?
[b]Saffyre:[/b] Who are those 3 guys behind you?
[b]Kavita:[/b] I f[b]u[/b]cked up. I really f[b]u[/b]cked up.
[b]Sage:[/b] Kav, what the hell did you do?
[b]Kavita:[/b] *gulps* Remember-remember th-th-th-those guns I borrowed for the assault?
[b]Hooded Mafia Member:[/b] Those guns are ours. Your little rocker girl stole our guns for her own use.
[b]Kavita:[/b] I returned them-
[b]Masked Mafia Member 2:[/b] *stands up and points a pistol at her* You could've done it without our weapons!
[b]Kavita:[/b] *puts her hands up* I'm sorry, okay?! They could've came in handy i-i-i-in case.
[b]Saffyre:[/b] *to Sage* Why is she so scared?
[b]Kavita:[/b] *turns to the [b]annihilator[/b] twins* Girls, this is the [b]Saitranovia[/b] Mafia!
[b]Hooded Mafia Member:[/b] Don't act so fearless. We're also capable of doing substantial destruction.
[b]Saffyre:[/b] [b]Vandren[/b] was also responsible.
[b]Masked Mafia Member 1:[/b] That was the guy we intimidated earlier?
[b]Hooded Mafia Member:[/b] Yes, but he's not the prime suspect, she is.
[b]Kavita:[/b] *continues to move around in fear, nearly on the verge of tears* Uh- *sits on the floor and covers her head*
[b]Sage:[/b]....*to the mysterious figures* What do you want us to do?
[b]Hooded Mafia Member:[/b] There's gang territory out in southwest [b]Dyphinix[/b]. Clear it out, and then we'd earn some more [b]zepiks[/b].
[b]Saffyre:[/b] *nods her head* Sounds simple, but okay.
*The 3 mysterious figures all vanish in a blue mist.*
[b]Sage:[/b] Kav. *crouches and tries calms her down*
[b]Kavita:[/b] *sighs and quickly whips her head back* You must've hadn't have a mafia in your timeline. If they have their eyes on you, they'll interrogate you into doing anything. Fail to do what they've asked, and they might as well execute you. Though I'm sure you're not so scared of them.
[b]Saffyre:[/b] Yeah well, we'll do their objective just so we don't end up on their hitlist.
[b]Sage:[/b] *stands up* Yeah, we'll see you soon, Kav.
(Minutes later, the twins are getting closer to the island. Surrounding them is just huge bodies of water, and a volcano far off to the west, instead of magma, it has white, bioluminescent energy. The island is actually closer to another mainland called [b]Spektrovatia[/b].)
[b]Ainotias:[/b] I think I can see the island, just from here. *squints her eyes to gaze closer* Yeah. I see a beacon and it's really giving me a sign.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] [b]Icirius[/b]?
[b]Icirius:[/b] Yes. I'm going faster now.
*[b]Icirius[/b] lets out another burst that makes her fly faster.*
(16 minutes later, they've arrived. This island is fairly big. A rocky, mossy biome, with rocks and debris scattered throughout.)
*[b]Icirius[/b] lands on the island, and the twins jump off. They walk over to a gold and silver monument, shaped like a broken piece of rock, glowing blue lights. On it, there's a circle-shaped artifact, with mysterious lettering going straight down, like a family tree, with runes engraved to the sides. These display the timeline and events of [b]Terranoviatia[/b] history.*
[b][u]*Continuing Below*[/u][/b]
[b][i]*Continued Below*[/i][/b]
*The twins walk up to this "monument".*
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *looks at a sign just below it* "[b]Chronovoux[/b], the Timelord's Monument". *turns to Sai* Wait, Sai, isn't [b]Chronovoux[/b] an [b]Arckyvus[/b] Divinity?
[b]Saitonia:[/b] *looks up at the top left of the artifact* Look up here, a hierarchical list of all the [b]Arckyvus[/b] Divines.
[b]In the following order:[/b]
•[b]Terranokyve[/b] ([b]obliterator[/b])
•[b]Saitrakyve[/b] ([b]eraser[/b])
•[b]Cassavus[/b] ([b]annihilator[/b])
•[b]Chronovoux, The Timelord[/b] ([b]watcher)[/b]
• [b]Saithus[/b] ([b]exterminator[/b])
•[b]Arasion[/b] ([b]sensitor[/b])
•[b]????, The Spektre[/b] ([b]spektral[/b])
•[b]Terranova[/b] ([b]obliterator[/b])
•[b]Saitranova[/b] ([b]eraser[/b])
•[b]Cassanova[/b] ([b]annihilator[/b])
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Sad. There's only 1 divine of the [b]watcher, sensitor, exterminator,[/b] and [b]spektral[/b].
[b]Saitonia:[/b] The [b]exterminators[/b] are extinct, so could [b]Saithus[/b]-
[b]Ainotias:[/b] It says here that they're "lost in time", whatever the hell that means.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] [b]Saithus[/b]?
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Yep.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] So them, [b]Chronovoux[/b], [b]Arasion[/b], and [b]The Spektre[/b] are the Second Descendants. *snickers* [b]Terranova[/b] isn't so high-and-mighty as he think he is.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *reads 1 specific event* Right here says something about a war that eventually led to the extinction of [b]exterminators[/b].
[b]Saitonia:[/b] *looks at the text Aino is reading* That was the one that [b]The Fated One[/b] was telling me about. "September 3rd, Year 993, an [b]exterminator[/b] by the name [b]Avionia[/b] fought off as much of [b]Terranova[/b]'s army as possible as the numbers of his race were dwindling drastically. As a last resort, he used every single particle of his energy, even unleashing his [b]Engyma[/b]. That unfortunately didn't stop [b]Terranova[/b], and [b]Avionia[/b] eventually got [b]obliterated[/b]. The [b]Arckyvus[/b] Divinity known as [b]Saithus[/b] became [i]lost in time[/i]."
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Gee..that's- wait....*looks up to find more text* Says here that [b]Terranova[/b] created the ability to [b]obliterate[/b], and [b]Saitranova[/b] created the ability to [b]erase[/b].
[b]Saitonia:[/b] *looks up at the same text* What year?
[b]Ainotias:[/b] "Year -8000, After [b]Arckyve[/b]". Weird how we use negative years.
*Sai presses on the text. It acts as a button and pushes back. Something opens from under the monument. It reveals a small, circular device with a glowing blue circle in the middle. He picks up the device.*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] What is this? "Set Year"? Mother became pregnant with us on January 11th, sooo *sets the year to January 11th, Year 999* Aino, stand next to me in case. *Aino moves next to him* Alright...let's do this.
*Sai presses the glowing circle, and they have time traveled. They see their old house just northeast, and they walk to it. They end up phasing through the entrance, but the sight is not what they've expected. They see their pregnant mother, a faint blue glow inside her stomach asleep, unaware that "[b]Terranova[/b]" is crouched down due to being too tall. Around him are his minions.*
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Do they see us?
[b]Saitonia:[/b] I don't think so.
"[b]Terranova:[/b]" Now, you'll witness wizardry.
*"[b]Terranova[/b]" harnesses some [b]obliterator[/b] blood and pushes it inside the sleeping [b]Eskovia[/b], interfering with her chromosomes.*
[b]Terranova:[/b] Well, we'll see how her child, or children turn out several years from now. *teleports away along with his minions*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Aino, how can you be the result from this? She'd have to be "messing around" with an [b]obliterator[/b] at the time.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *irritated* Bullsh[b]i[/b]t. I was the result from some black magic. F[b]u[/b]cking sorcery. J- *voice chokes up*
*Sai sets the year to the current time before the shift, and they travel back to that current time.*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Just....morbid.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *turns her head to the right to see the scattered debris and walks over to it as Sai follows*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] I can see some remains.
*Aino crouches and touches some bluish green dirt, then looks at her index and middle finger. She then spots something familiar in the distance and runs to it. It's some remains of 2 people. Bodies shriveled up and their robotic pieces sunk into their skull. The bodies still have tattered clothes on.*
[b]Ainotias:[/b] No...*covers her mouth as sparkling blue tears form from her eyes*
*The twins see that these bodies are the remains of their parents. Sai turns back in sorrow while Aino drops to her knees and starts sobbing in agony. [b]Icirius[/b] walks to the twins.*
[b]Icirius:[/b] Sorry....sorry you had to witness a dreading memory. I-I can fly you back now- eh, I'll give you some time. *walks off*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Aino...*kneels down and tries to console her*
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *crying on Sai's shoulder* That..f[b]u[/b]cking despotic motherfff-f[b]u[/b]cker!
[b]Saitonia:[/b] *grips on Aino's back tightly and helps her up, then says in a serious and monotone way* He's gonna pay. He's really gonna f[b]u[/b]cking pay.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *while still choked on her tears* I...I can't bear to look at th-th-is anymore.
*The twins hop on [b]Icirius[/b] and she takes off.*
(Later, hitting dusk, the twins have made it to the mansion. Sai knocks on the door, Cat walks over and opens it.)
[b]Vandren:[/b] *sitting on a couch* And then my dad said: "You little chump! I'll show you how to- *sees Cat and Kav talking to the twins, gets up, and joins them*
[b]Saffyre:[/b] Ohhh, Sai, where have y'all been? Me and Sage had to do favors for the mafia so [b]Kavita[/b] doesn't get killed. *looks at Aino, whose face is filled with the agony* Aino...
*Everyone walks up and gathers around the twins.*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] *sighs* I regret seeing the remains.
[b]Cathera:[/b] *hugging Aino as tears form in her eyes again*
*Sai walks off. As the anger builds up, he looks forward as a mask forms, covering his mouth and nose, and the faded blue lines glow even brighter.*
(Inside [b]Terranova[/b]'s lair, him and [b]Shizaki[/b] are in the main room.)
[b]Kavilis:[/b] *walking towards the 2* Master, we've brought in some treats that can fill the orb.
*[b]Deminova[/b] walks from behind, dragging...[b]Siripaka[/b] and [b]Tsukas[/b]. He then throws them both closer to [b]Terranova[/b] and [b]Shizaki[/b].
[b]Siripaka:[/b] Where are we?!
[b]Tsukas:[/b] I don't know! *looks up at [b]Terranova[/b]* Is that...[b]Terranova[/b]?
[b]Terranova:[/b] Correct, [b]Spektrals[/b]. [b]Shizaki[/b], see if these 2 will make the finishing touch.
[b]Shizaki:[/b] My pleasure. *summons the orb and starts sucking the energy out of the 2 remaining [b]Spektral Nyterunners[/b]*
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