I'm a D1 veteran and I do not mind Bungie sunsetting our old gear
This is probably going to be extremely unpopular and draw a LOT of hate, but please hear me out. I have played Destiny 1 since launch. I played D1 consistently and only ever took a break from it once. I have over 2000 hours poured into D1. I'm saying this so you understand where I'm coming from when I say, I do not mind Bungie sunsetting our old gear in Destiny 2.
I know just by saying that, people are going to be mad. But I clearly remember when Destiny The Taken King launched, a large portion of our past gear was left to the past and could not be used in higher light/power level activities in The Taken King. You could still use them in PvP where light/power level did not matter except in things like Iron Banner for example. You weren't forced to delete your old gear. You could vault it and pull it out for casual PvP. In Private Matches, you and your team could play with old weapons just for fun. You could go out to older destinations or activities with lower light/power levels to use them. You had freedom to use them however you wish in Destiny 1, they just weren't going to be useful in a endgame activity like raids or light level enabled PvP.
So now we come to Destiny 2 and a similar thing is happening: our older gear is being left behind so that new weapons and armor can be used in the future. I think this is a good thing because it means the endgame PvE and PvP meta will change. In addition, there is absolutely going to be new weapons with godrolls that people will farm for. Not satisfied? Well I present to you example 1 from D1: Hung Jury. This weapon was a medium rate of fire Scout Rifle from Dead Orbit with a MONSTER GOD ROLL. Triple Tap with Firefly. Omg this thing was a destroyer in PvE AND PvP. Just search D1 Hung Jury on Youtube and you'll see what I mean.
Back to my main point. What I'm getting at is that we shouldn't be too mad about this. Bungie is not deleting your gear. They are not forcing you to use new weapons or armor. You could still play the game and use old stuff. You just wouldn't be able to do high end activities. Like with The Taken King, if sunsetting old gear means moving on and trying new stuff, its a compromise I'm willing to make. As long as Bungie provides a fair number of new weapons and armor in Destiny 2 Beyond Light, then I am fine with saying goodbye to older and worn out armor. You might also ask me, wouldn't you rather have no sunsetting at all? And my answer is of course. If we could get new stuff and still use our old stuff for higher end activities, it would be great. Old and new players would be happy. But since that is not happening, I've just come to accept what is going to be done.
And that is all that I have, please be civil in the comments below.
No. I've played significantly more than those hours just in D2. I will NOT regrind all over again for reissued loot, loot where I lose all my stat tracking on for no better reason than giving
a hamster wheel.
We can't use any of our gear in almost every aspect of the game, including the most popular and important PvP modes, Iron Banner and Trials respectively, seasonal activities, seasonal quests, Gambit (so help me if one more person says you can...), NFs, all new raids....leaving what? old raids only that aren't being removed, the least popular PvP and activities where your weapons don't matter anyway...use blues, punch...
Endgame metas will only change with Sandbox changes. If one weapon is too powerful, it should have been checked first or subsequently balanced. It won't replace sandbox balancing nor provide innovative weapons of which only innovation will.
No, I won't be chasing Godrolls again when weapons that routinely figure in the region's of 10,000 variants and are hard to come by have one year expiry date. The godrolling investment > payoff. Only minimal investment will = short lifespan, forced obsolescence payoff.
Bungie IS effectively deleting our gear don't kid yourself. That's EXACTLY what it EFFECTIVELY AMOUNTS TO.
Old, worn out armour? What planet do you hail from? If you play BOTH PvE and PvP getting a min-maxed stat distribution was a year long quest....I've only just got ONE SET I'm happy with and now it's been forcibly removed. No thanks, it doesn't work. It works for those who won't care what there gear is, who want minimal investment in an attempt to fix their boredom of the game. It won't even do that - only content does that and that doesn't need Sunsetting either.
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