So I was thinking, what if Raids will have a matchmaking instead of co-op only with friends. Most of my clan mates are not active so I'm having a hard time doing raids and all. I want to do some raids but can't do it solo. I'm trying to grind as much as I can hoping I can solo it but it'll burn me out before I even know it.
I think it would be fun if raids will have a matchmaking. What do you guys think?
Hell no.
It would never work. Have you ever been stuck on a raid encounter and only one guy is ruining it for everyone? Now imagine rolling the dice on getting 6 people that aren't complete potatoes.
I think adding matchmaking to raids makes about as much since as putting an elevator in an out house.
Edited by FootlooseEye312: 5/28/2020 8:02:00 AMYes it is what this game is lacking and badly . Players did not think matchmaking would work in nightfalls then the “ordeal “ version came out. now I say most people use that play mode. It is something Bungie needs to do . Optional of course.
Funny you ask that question... I just uploaded this one today after running the Corrupted strike with 2 blueberries. Pass the orb off to one of them and guy wastes it and 5 more in a row and manages to die in the process.
I wouldn't care if they added it if they wouldn't nerf the already braindead easy raids even further.
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 5/27/2020 6:57:47 PMI wish it made sense but the mechanics are too involved. Mics and communication are absolutely necessary. They have Guided Games but it seems to be rarely used.
Quicker MM? Yes But then we run into the problem of the mic-less, toxicity, and expecting someone to carry or KWTD...
Hello there[spoiler]hamburger[/spoiler]
It works if matchmaking groups people with similar raid completions. Not useful for first timers, they should be guided. But then again, matchmaking in D2 is laughable so it’s probably better off without matchmaking tbh.
Edited by TheArtist: 5/26/2020 3:09:11 PMLook at what happened this season with the Seraph Tower. The second, harder version. Because that fight was basically a raid encounter in the public space. THAT is what you'd be up against if Raids had random matchmaking. People showing up lookign to get carried. People showing up with language barriers. People showing up with no headphones and tall and no ability to communicate. Now imagine trying to do the final boss fight in Garden of Salvation with six people....with no headphones....or with no common language to speak to each other in. Its a set-up for failure.
Edited by Swiftlock: 5/25/2020 12:29:04 AMIt would fail miserably. Imagine mashing together randoms who have never done the raid before, don't have a mic, or don't even speak the same language. And then what happens if someone quits halfway in? Does matchmaking have to apply to EVERY instance of the raid? How would that work?
If failing something as mindless as seraph towers because casual blueberries are useless wasn't enough of a red flag for people who think this is a good idea, idk what it'll take. No offense to you, OP, just the thought of some of these dummies trying to figure out suro chi makes my skin crawl.
It’s a great idea, As long as it’s optional, so the “good” players aren’t “forced” to use it. Lol
If there will be matchmaking for raids, that raid should be like heroic menagerie but also a bit more complex. People should be able to learn via trial and error instead of depending on communication. Only raid in Destiny franchise would actually work with matchmaking and that’s Vault of Glass. Looking back at it now and I am confident people would be able to finish it via no mics and just trial and error I believe. Maybe Eater of Worlds too. But rest of the raids require communication and organizing teams. So yea they cannot just go ahead and add matchmaking to current raids that’s not gonna work, they need to build a raid that could be doable with no mics and finishable via trial and error. I think they should give it a go and see the response for this once.
People also need lots of communication for raids, so it would be a lot harder to do raids with matchmaking
Well it has some sort of matchmaking but i think requires a clan to host it. But you can search to join the active fireteam. Guided game its called. But never tried it myself. I just lfg to join, host or sherpa. But those are mostly miss than hit. My advice is to try ur luck. Personally i met some fun peeps off lfg. Some ended in my clan. Others remained in theirs but always join when needed.
If bungie puts it in, I could care less. I would never use it. Your success rate to even get past the first encounter, would be under 5%, and that's being kind.
They only thing i suggest is scaling it down mechanic wise so three or two can do it ......the raids have been out for awhile.......i dont see why not.....i have they same problem......and when try to find a fireteam there is just way too many prerequisites.....cleared it 1000 + times....etc🤦🏽♂️
Of course there should be optional matchmaking. For everything. Opt in to use it. Don’t opt in or opt out if you don’t want to use it.
Nah, I really don't see it working. Unless you're idea of fun is getting matched with 2 afks, 1 underleveled and 2 people who both decide they're going to fulfil the same role. All it would lead to is more complaining. Sure some groups might get through but it would definitely be a minority. It wouldn't be the magical fix all the antisocial players think it would be.
No thanks, for everything else sure
There should be in game LFG in the tower or the farm. You know those big social spaces we dont do anything social in
Optional is fine. Been put off LFG forever as watching my bro do a Go's and getting kicked after beating the boss before loot room 😬 this game and community suck ass.
its missing
Community cant even handle forges.