Recently I started playing as a Titan more, and I got the exotic AR Sweet Business (and finished the catalyst quest) and the exotic chest piece Actium War Rig, and I thought I'd pair them up in the Crucible (Iron Banner, actually) to see how they do.
For those who might not be familiar with these exotics, Sweet Business is like a minigun that is quite slow to reload when empty, but the Actium War Rig solves that by constantly loading your AR or Machinegun. Sweet Business with the catalyst installed seriously reduces flinch from incoming fire, so you get a stable bullet hose.
So I went into Crucible and just started walking and firing non-stop like an idiot, and it was stupidly effective. Especially at choke points, Sweet Business just chewed through Guardians. Of course, I got killed eventually (and then doing the same thing again when I respawned), but I laughed myself hoarse at how funny it was walking around like the Terminator just blasting away with no skill or strategy.
I only did it for a few matches because there's a limit to how much a cheap stunt will amuse me, plus I'm sure it must have royally peeved all the other Guardians on the other teams to hear the non-stop whine of Sweet Business as I dominated the match with a dumb trick. Maybe it works, but it was just too much like trolling, and we have enough things in the game right now to annoy players without me being one.
But in the interests of levity, has anyone else done something dumb or hair-brained with combinations of equipment/strategies that turned out to be effective?
Cheers all.
Traveler’s chosen(Damaged) is an underrated gun.