Sitting at the helm is the intrepid pilot and ne'er do well Jack "spaceman" Spiff.
In the engine room Vance Dryden keeps the Dogbeard's metal heart beating like a war drum.
The Doctor, G.Freeman takes stock of his equipment; his mind heavy with events.
The strange and enigmatic mercenary known as Goat draws ignorantly on the walls of the ship with a Sharpie marker. His artwork is, paradoxically both; equal parts stunningly-realistic and crude.
The Captain, Claudia "The Rose" is poring over the latest job in her office aboard the rusty old ship, between finding a dock that would refit a pirate vessel, and the strange corespondance of this new "Client"; things were rough... They had a ship, now they needed a score; problem was: that this ship was no Tiananmen. It had no armor, no weapons- save a pair of point defense gats- if an alliance Boat launched one missile at the Dogbeard; it might survive, but in a real firefight it was just a rusty old pup.
And there was this "Unity" to consider...
Claudia preferred dealing with prospective clients face to face... but whoever was behind this odd moniker worked through others, and corresponded through strange cryptic messages. Captain Claudia Tullius had a ship to repair, however, and the least cryptic part of the deal had been the outrageously high bounty. With that kind of money, the Dogbeard would rival the Tiananmen, she only hoped she could rub it in Bakta's face before she had the chance to shoot it.
She had not forgotten that bú yào bīliǎn Traitor...
She tapped the multiband on her wrist
"Vance, please come to my Office."
Moments later the hulking engineer and her close confidant walked in. He was dirty; covered in engine grease and exhaust soot. She curled her toes in her boots; she liked him this way.
"You wanted to see me?"
She gathered herself "Yes.. we have a new Job." She tapped her desk and a map of an Alliance compound appeared with detailed data..."
"Whoo... fancy, beats casing the joint if we have detailed holo maps."
"Tell me about, who'dve thought this rust-bucket would prove useful... This building is the job" She pointed to a large box labeled supply depot..."
"... and, we're what- robbing the place?"
"Not quite..." Claudia withdrew a data-disk from the pocket of her Vest and held it up "The Client wants us to get in, upload a data packet to the building's mainframe and then get out. Once the virus is in; the client will get confirmation, and we'll be 3.5 million credits richer-
"3.5 mill- million??"
"-Million, yes..."
"Well what are you asking me for? you're the captain!"
Captain Tullius tapped the desk again, and this time a series of files appeared hovering in air, flipping past were faces Vance knew... then Spiff appeared, the Captain, then Bakta Peters. Each had a detailed dossier, and then came Vance's own... Confusion crossed his face.
"Captain, where'd you get all of this?"
"Our new client sent that..."
Vance was a smart guy, and Claudia knew it, if there was something she hadn't thought of: she'd need only get his set eyes on the problem and he'd speak it.
"Do you think they're trying to blackmail us into the work?'
"No, this is an intimidation tactic, but if they wanted to blackmail us they wouldn't have already paid half up front."
They sat for a moment ruminating. Then Claudia spoke.
"We'll do this job, I just need to know you're in this... I am expecting trouble."
"Don't you always?" He grinned
She hid a smirk "I'm serious Vance, whoever this Unity.0 character is, they know more about us then we know about them, and someone like that is never telling you everything, We need to be careful..."
"Just say the word, Rose"
"Don't call me that."
Vance chuckled knowingly...
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