Offtopic: Hidden Alignment
This one was interesting, I loved trying to do the thanos snap dust thing lol. For those who don't know, his gimmick is:
[spoiler]Fades Away...[/spoiler]Or something similar to that lol
Last sketch for this week; I think we're getting close to being halfway done!
Few things I wanna say:
I might have to do the OT group photo v2 on my own. It's going to be too much of a hassle to to get all the files to another external source. I believe I can do it but man. It's gonna take a bit! We'll see if my program is powerful enough lol
And Keep an eye on hidden alignment 👀
That's all for now, I'll see ya in the next one
~Your Magnum D[i][/i]ong Sheriff
Your art is bad