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4/23/2020 7:06:51 PM

The Crucible Meta (BAD)

As a Triple-A developer that has created ICONIC FPS games, who in their right mind thought this season’s meta was a good idea. Do you even play test your game before you make updates? Look, I have no problem with bringing auto rifles into the meta; but there is this mind-boggling idea that bringing something into the meta means making it the only thing REMOTELY usable. Nerf hand cannons, great they were undeniably dominant (because they require skill). Nerf shotguns, great they were undeniably dominant (because they require skill). BUFF 600RPMS SO THE CASUAL/BAD PLAYERS CAN PLAY THE GAME WITHOUT PUTTING IN ANY EFFORT TO ACTUALLY IMPROVING LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Ahem, sorry for the yelling. But seriously, in a game that has so much competitive potential, you consistently destroy the skill ceiling in order to cater to the needs of the casual/bad player. That sounds great, because the majority of the player-base IS casual/bad. Yet, you take a look at week 1 player population of Trials (your game saving content) vs. now...? How did your hand holding play out. The players that care about the game are being driven away, the bad players are getting massacred at even higher rates, and your content creators only support the game, because it’s their job. How do you go from absolutely CRUSHING it with season of Opulence, to just bad decision after bad decision after bad decision? Please, please, please, bring skill back to Destiny PvP. The fact that the most brain dead weapon (Hardlight) was made the most OP weapon AS TRIALS RETURNS, suggests that you simply have no idea what your community enjoys in competitive play. The meta was fine in opulence, so many weapons were available to a players disposable provided they took the time to learn them. Hand cannons, pulse rifles, *cringe* fushions, snipers, shotguns, sub machine guns, EVEN LINEAR FUSHIONS AND BOWS had a place in the right hands. To deny the problem of the meta is to be literally blind or delusional about your own skill level. Now, I expect a lot of hate from casual/bad players, because y’all have had a great time sitting in spawn and bullet hosing for the past month. But, when Bungie does decide to fix their game and reintroduce this *crazy* idea of a skill gap, good luck.

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  • LMAO!!!!

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  • Edited by Artisan: 4/25/2020 12:06:17 PM
    Lost me at Shotguns require skill. And the 'nerf' barely touched them: 1m reduction in OHK range and impacted their overuse not at all: iro 17% of kills. Hardlight's ricochet does need reining in though - absolutely.

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  • I 100% agree, the thumbless you cry n moan about your post tho lol 😂

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by hate n payne: 4/25/2020 10:36:55 AM
      I agree hand cannons take skill but not shotguns. Now if you would have said fusions(Not Erentil archetype) than I would have also agreed. The Dreambreaker from Eris is magic. The only shotguns I believe take skill are the low impact no range ones or the slugs. The aggressive frames are about as easy as a using the current META. Only the blind are going to believe that this current META is more skilled than the previous ones. All the people talking about how the nerf should happen to only HL but yet Spare Rations was the in all be all for HCs and all the archetypes got wrecked. Even 180s are hard to utilize now against majority of weapons in the game unless you peek and cover every fight or have a buff. My favorite HCs aka 110s and 140s didnt even get looked at but the easiest archetype got a buff. I will not be surprised when Pulses become the spotlight and the scouts and then more nerfs. Again, I have always advocated for all weapons to be simply viable.

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    • Did you just really say "HC's and Shotguns" require skill? 😂 Omg, you're either a kid or crutcher.

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      5 Replies
      • This game has two different sandboxes what do you expect, lol.

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        2 Replies
        • Let me guess high aa handcannons, max range shotguns and high aa no flinch sniper take skill?

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          3 Replies
          • Shotguns and skill don't belong im same sentence. I have probably over 1000kills with all my mindbender rolls and probably good 500 with my Dusk Rock rolls and can safely sy they're easiet weapons to use in pvp.

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            • Edited by SIERRA - 117: 4/24/2020 12:56:06 PM
              [spoiler]"buff autos so the casual/bad players can play the game"[/spoiler] You know what, I'm not angry nor am I trying to fuss at you, but that's the kind of attitude I really hate.

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            • 💡 here is an idea, how about no radar or aim assist at all. You have to think on your feet and aim your own weapons!

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              • [quote]Nerf shotguns, great they were undeniably dominant (because they require skill).[/quote] Not sure if troll or stupid. No, really, I can't tell anymore after memes fried my brain :< But that aside: Bullet Magnetism. Enough said. This game [b]IS[/b] for us filthy casuals, no matter how much you will hate to hear it.

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              • Edited by E1ite Yoshi: 4/24/2020 5:02:02 AM
                My issue with the meta is that in this pvp environment you're basically forced to use the meta in order to actually counter someone. For me the Hard Light is a big example with this. Yes you can still outduel the weapon if you're a sniper or if you're lucky enough to sneak up on them with a shotgun, but most of the time it feels like you're forced to use the meta in order to even do well. Edit: Look at how the pvp enviroment was in D1. Yeah even though there was a meta which was full of powerful weapons like Thorn, Hawksaw, and Hawkmoon which dominated Crucible, but on the other hand you could have someone using a Monte Carlo or Suros Regime go in and do well also. But with D2's pvp that doesn't feel like the case.

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              • Edited by Kiro - 13: 4/23/2020 11:49:35 PM
                Revoker has ruined crucible.Snipers always enjoyed the design of no sway, flinch bouncing reticles back onto targets, and skill-bandwidth forgiveness stats accuracy/aim assist. Revoker just poors salt on though. By rewarding a player for missing and returning ammo & breaking titan barrier to also return ammo it has warped the meta round it. I main hunter, I h8 titans and never play them but for raid check points but I know bullshit when I see it. In other competitive game formats when one item warps the format to conform to it... well its a short lived "item" and is re-tuned to prevent stifling game play.

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              • I agree, Ive loved destiny because it was the first fps I ever played, but lately, ive been thinking about getting new games and leaving this one because of how destroyed it has become, and unfortunately all people say to a post like this is just GET GOOD when theres no point because there is no skill gap.

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              • Shotguns don't require skill. Look at rumble. Everybody and their mother runs around sliding with shotguns.

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                3 Replies
                • I also forgot that bungie made halo.... like how can you go from that to this...

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                • The only skill handcannons required was knowing their range.... just point in general direction and it gives you crits...

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                • Edited by Crystilonus2011: 4/23/2020 7:10:56 PM
                  If you’re as good as you are implying you are, then the bad players having a weapon that makes it a little easier to get kills should really bother you. They still have terrible position, situational awareness, etc. you’re just mad you can’t run the same plays and get easy kills beating up on scrubs. You’re blind or delusional about your own skill level if you can’t counter these weapons easily. Sure, it takes a little more effort than before, but oh noooooo. Effort is bad, I should be dumping on these scrubs easily showing them just how great I am 😑😑😑

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                  57 Replies
                  • Me wait for felwinter's lie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                    • The easiest to use weapons should never be the best weapons. That’s game balance 101, you don’t need to be a AAA game developer or professional player to know that; boarder line common sense (not attacking you). On console, there is literally no reason to run anything other than a suros or hardlight. They drop the skill gap so much it’s pretty much anybody’s game. I can’t tel you how many times I began to lose to a team I know I should be beating, decided to throw an auto on and the tide of the game suddenly switched.

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                    • Edited by Golden: 4/23/2020 7:13:59 PM
                      Edit: Misread it lmao, my bad. I brain farted.

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