On a cold morning in OffTopic, all was not well. The stock market had just taken a serious toll, frightening investors. Furries and suspected furries were being hunted and slain in the streets with extreme prejudice. Chaos, fear and insanity had all descended upon our once peaceful city.
Like months before, ethereal phantoms began to stalk the streets. These are not fur suit wearing deviants, but misshapen abominations of man and beast. Lumpy bodies and bulging muscles covered in patches of mangy fur, dry scales, shiny carapace, or slimy mucus. Some have too many eyes or limbs, bones protruding from their bodies like spines or horns, and they shamble arounds the city groaning and moaning in their unsettlingly childlike voices, "Embwace us and join the wevewwy!" Some were incorporeal, disrupting traffic as cars passed through their ghostly forms. Others were very, very real, and slew innocent bystanders with their crooked, sharp claws.
In the midst of this turmoil, small flowers began to grow from the sewers. They looked harmless, and many children picked them to bring home. It was a sweet distraction from the awful visitations occuring, lowering even the parent’s guard. But in the night, the flowers spoke. They spoke softly, and whispered a cryptic phrase.
“That is nyot dead which can etewnyaw wie, and with stwange aeons even death may die. Come Fwiday my wegions weave, and dwaw theiw swowds to hewmets cweave.”
The dead flower that was left on the capitol mall bubbled and boiled as the acidic blood began to eat at the outer layers of itself. As quickly as it came, the massive flower ate itself, and was gone. But before the flower fully disappeared, it choked out a few words.
“Uwu is back, b!tches. Wewcome to my endga-wait, nyo, that’s watew. Um… I’ww caww this… Owoutbweak pawt 2? Yeah, Owoutbweak pawt 2!”
Cackling with a thousand voices, the flower faded, and all that remained was a steaming crater. The phantoms continued to terrorize the city, and the whispers haunted houses at night. For everyone in OffTopic, Friday couldn’t come fast enough.
[spoiler]The Owo RP will be Friday, so write that down I guess. It'll probably spill over to Saturday, so don't worry about missing it. You can hunt ethereal abOwOminations here if you want, I'll be around.[/spoiler]
[i]"....What is this place?"[/i] -Lord Greywind, returning to off-topic after more than 6 years away
[spoiler]So, I’m only doing two, not three. The third was Mirabelle, but I realized I don’t [i]really[/i] need to test how Mira plays. I’m good with continuing Xi, or leaving as is, but in any case..[/spoiler] Number Six hopped off of Blaze’s ship, and brushed her long blonde hair out of her face. Looking around at the chaos, she was hit by a sudden wave of fear, followed by a wave of anger. “What the jannolor is this!? How am I supposed to look for Five in this mess!?” She straightened her white jacket, and tightened her glove. “I’m going to shoot down each and every one of these things if I have to! Nobody’s getting in my way!” [spoiler][b][u]Number Six (Sapphire)[/u][/b] HP: 120/120 FP: 0/5 Basic weapons (no FP cost): Soul Manipulation Device: A shapeshifting laser blade, that usually takes the shape of a scythe. Can interact with souls, as well as physical forms (though that doesn’t have much bearing in combat) Mana Bolt: The basic spell program on her magitech glove. A weak long range blast of magic. Though it doesn’t cost any FP, her current FP level does determine how many she can shoot at once. (0-2: One bolt. 3-4: Two bolts. 5: 3 bolts) Spell programs (cost FP): Ice Shard (1 FP): Fires a small spike of ice, for decent physical damage against a single target. Flame Ring (2 FP): An AoE damage over time move, dealing fire damage. Thunderbolt (3 FP): A powerful electric strike against one enemy. Mana Shield (4 FP): A shield that absorbs up to (??) damage. Can be cast on self or ally. Mana Overdrive (MAX FP): An illegal spell program, that pushes the mana safety limit to its max. For three turns, the following effects take place: 1. Mana Bolt always fires 3 bolts, regardless of FP charge. 2. All spell programs cost 1 less FP. 3. Six regenerates 2 FP per turn rather than one. However, using Overdrive permanently lowers Six’s max FP by 2 for the duration of the battle. (Overdrive doesn’t have a set cost, Six’s FP simply must be full) FP: Six’s magitech glove uses mana as a power source to cast various spell programs. While mana is technically infinite, using it has a harmful effect against the user’s body. FP is a way of measuring the “mana safety limit”, which is basically how much a given user can take before serious harm is done. FP regenerates at a rate of one per turn, and Six always starts a battle with 0. If things get really dire, she can use her HP to cast spell programs instead, but the HP cost is disproportionately high. I’m talking 20 HP per 1 FP. Her mana shield cannot be used in place of HP for this.[/spoiler] [spoiler]On another note, did Xi seem to under/overpowered at all? I tried to raise the bar up from Mirabelle, but I don’t want to go too high.[/spoiler]
“Durned Ghosts and besties! Is this place ever at peace. I guess it’s time to use me axe again!” Mutters the dwarf Dain Dunnaxe under his breath as he walks the streets with his large battle axe.
Edited by Nightmare Tune: 4/2/2020 2:50:40 AMBlaze looks down from his ship at the madness. “Damn, Damn, Damn!” He yelled, smashing his hand on his armrest. “This damned infection! I thought when those people left the flower with that lady, this would all be over! Fine. I’ll be prepared for powy this time. I’ll make sure to not falter, and show this old one wannabe how powerful I can be.” He says, as the door to his ships other room closes behind him, and he begins preparations for Friday. Edit: [spoiler]this was so disgustingly edgy. Take this as extra, just, AGHHHHH[/spoiler] Meanwhile right after the door closes, Blaze stubs his toe REALLY hard on a pile of scrap metal, and begins to cry in pain.
*Several knights of birb March the streets, preparing, observing, the phantoms....*
i can't wead this u have a weiwd uwu accent
*pulls out a NS-15m (equipped with a forward grip, compensator, and 2x sight) and charges into battle.*
Ikari walks out of a shadow with her sword, Intrabeam, and a red handcannon* “Well this looks fun. Where to?”
The outbreak has spread farther then any could have predicted. Not even the realm of the dead is free of its grasp Cleanse the infected! Rip and tear these abominations until they learn to fear us! For the Emperor!!!!
Edited by Sylver: 4/2/2020 2:41:40 PM[spoiler]Judging by the other replies, I’m assuming we prep for RP on this post.[/spoiler] [i]Ambition wanders down the street in a gray cloak with a loose hood, the sleeves cut off just above the elbows. He’s whistling, and twirling a very evil-looking black mace between his fingers.[/i]
Calimafindë walls down the streets of offtopic with his sword drawn. The elf is new to these lands so he is visibly confused for he has not even seen the first outbreak. A sword and a chain shirt may not provide much against the power of abominations but the elven warrior will try his best to defend the people.
Probably getting banned for bypassing the censor thing.
Cady- Though you were going to stay out of the war. Ion- didn’t say that I myself would get involved. I cannon allow others get infected. Cady- ...Care for Shadow Recon or Riot gear? Ion- SR and my Riot Weapons.. i think this might be a street brawl. Cady- Roger. An enemy is approaching 3 blocks away!
[spoiler]I’m going to fight off one or two as 3 different characters to see who I want to play as.[/spoiler] A small beep came from Xi-14’s head. “Lambda, is that you!? What’s going on!?” “An aerial reconnaissance confirms multiple hostiles all throughout city limits. They seem to be attacking indiscriminately.” “We don’t reay have a choice but to fight, do we?” “Retreat is another available option.” “No! I won’t turn my back on these people!” “Warning: Unit Xi-14 is not properly familiarized with battle gear. Returning to provide assistance.” “No! Lambda, we need to split up; help as many people as you can over there. I’ll handle things here!” “Affirmative. Ending transmission.” “Activating Murakumo weapons systems!” [spoiler][b][u]Boundary Interface Prime Field Device: Murakumo Unit Xi-14[/u][/b] HP: 140/140 Heat: 0/100 Passive 1: As a machine, Xi has a 100% resistance to disease and poison. However, this also results in an inability to heal via any methods designed for biological creatures. Passive 2: Being composed mostly of seithr, most abilities that directly manipulate Xi-14’s physical form (such as alchemy, for instance) do not work. This applies to both positives and negatives. Primary weapon: Eight telekinetically controlled close range swords. Secondary weapon: Xi-14 can project portals at pretty much any range, that can summon holographic projectile blades. They aren’t very strong, but can be fired in rapid succession. Heat: Upon taking and dealing damage, Xi steadily builds up Heat. At 50%, he can unleash a rapid fire assault of holo-swords. This can either be a concentrated assault against a single opponent, or a weaker omni-directinal one. At 100% Heat, he can summon a singular massive sword to impale the opponent. Heat resets to 0 after every battle. (I’ll let you decide how much damage translates to how much Heat, and however much damage they deal) Other notes: Xi-14 can levitate above the ground, and fly, but isn’t very great at either of these things, and so prefers to walk.[/spoiler]
[i]The Legionaries stationed around the city attempt to slay any corporeal mutants, and direct civilians away from the phantoms.[/i] [spoiler]I wish people respected my police force thingy more[/spoiler]
“Ah crap, it’s back.” *Dally draws her knife and prepares to fight!*