Took out Nyiw. Woke up the Dwagonbown. And nyow hawf of what i heaw in the stweets is how much you and youw Owdew awe making a diffewence. And that's why i stawted this whowe wevewwy thing in the fiwst pwace. Peopwe awe stiww waiting fow the Shewiff's Depawtment to wead the way. But it's time fow a change UwU And guawdians wike you awe making it happen. Nyo pwessuwe.
Wook at thewm, they come tuwu thiws pwace whewn they know they awe nowt puwe. Tenno use the keys, but they awe mewe twespassews. Onwy i, vow, know the twue powew of the void. I was cut in hawf, destwoyed, but thwough iwt's janus key, the void cawwed tuwu me. Iwt bwought me hewe awnd hewe i was webown. We cannot bwame these cweatuwes, they awe being wed by a fawse pwophet, an impostow who knows nowt the secwets of the void. Behowd the tenno, come tuwu scavenge awnd desecwate thiws sacwed weawm. My bwothews, did i nowt teww of thiws day? did i nowt pwophesize thiws moment? now, i wiww stowp thewm. Now i am changed, webown thwough the enewgy of the janus key. Fowevew bound tuwu the void. Wet iwt be known, if the tenno wawnt twue sawvation, they wiww way down theiw awms, awnd wait fow the baptism of my janus key. Iwt iws time. I wiww teach these twespassews the wedemptive powew of my janus key. They wiww weawn iwt's simpwe twuth. The tenno awe wost, awnd they wiww wesist. But i, vow, wiww cweanse thiws pwace of theiw impuwity.
Edited by meld: 3/31/2020 5:42:01 PMDEUS VULT!!!
Edited by Dragoon647: 3/31/2020 1:31:07 AMno No NO [b]NO[/b] [b]BROTHERS. IT IS TIME ONCE MORE.[/b] (grabs holy flamethrower)
Someone has a bad case of cabin fever
[i]Sigh[/i] Aw shit, here we go again.
Edited by TurtleD01: 3/31/2020 6:27:33 AMTime to throw out my eyes. [spoiler]But I kinda wanna see an uwu version of Dominus Ghauls speech just before you fight him.[/spoiler]
Someonye once towd me that time is a pwedatow that stawks us aww ouw wives, but I wathew bewieve that time is a companyion who goes with us on the jouwnyey, weminds us to chewish evewy moment, because they’ww nyevew come again. What we weave behind is nyot is impowtant as how we wived. Aftew aww, Nyumbew Onye, we’we onwy mowtaw.
Not only is this the [Forbiden speak] and its destiny related... Brothers, sisters, and non human objects, let us purge this before the infection spreads
*Cocks shotgun* NO OWOS!!!!!
Somebowdy wonce towld mew, thew wowld waws gownnwa wole mew, Iw aiwnt thew shawpest tewl iwn thew shwed.
Wondewfuw. I’ve been wooking foweward to this.
... REND THEIR FLESH! [spoiler]FOR THE EMPEROR!!!![/spoiler]
Repowted fow diswuption
Aight, I'll grab my flame thrower
Where's the Holy Infinity Gauntlet?
1. Nice we need a change. 2. SANS!
*Looks down, then back up slowly.* Don't...
Hey settle down ok?
Why are you like this? Seriously, why is this a thing?
Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 3/31/2020 12:59:40 PMDie monster, you don’t belong here!
This hurts to look at.
It’s baaaaack!!
Dear god.. I thought we... Ah, hell. *Grabs flamethrower*