I think Bungie has a great opportunity to introduce champion effects on select older exotics. This could be coming down the line, who knows. But it would definitely shake up the PvE meta significantly.
Trace Rifles are the perfect example. Would you agree that all Trace Rifles should have overload as a feature?
Here are a few other examples of other exotics that could use similar treatment. The nature and feel of the guns lend themselves to the mods.
[spoiler]All Trace Rifles (kicks in after 1s to keep balance in PVP)
Le Monarque (On perfectly timed release)
Malfeasance (on Slug explosion)
Outbreak Perfected (on SIVA nanite spawn)
Riskrunner (After proccing Arc Conductor)
Thorn (only affects champions)
Thunderlord (see Bonus Note)
Tractor Cannon
Worldline Zero
Black Talon
Cerberus+1 (on alternate slow firing mode)
Jotunn (for obvious reasons... [i]thing's a sexy beast[/I])
[b]Nova Mortis[/b] (see Bonus Note)
Polaris Lance (Perfect Fifth explosion)
Skyburners... (I don't know, it's garbage.. make it less so)
Sturm (Overcharge Shots)
Symmetry (after cashing in on 'x' stacks of Dynamic Charge)
Telesto (on bolt explosions)
Two-Tailed Fox
[spoiler]Wish Ender (Duh)
[b]Abaddon[/b] (see Bonus Note)
Trinity Ghoul
Hard Light
Bastion (Maybe catalyst?)
Arbalest (Also, make disruption break more visible to players)
Sturm.. ([i]why not two perks?)[/I]
Cerberus +1 (Main fire mode)
Sweet Business (adding from suggestions)[/spoiler]
Remaining Unassigned Exotics:
[spoiler]Ace of Spades
Bad JuJu
Fighting Lion
Graviton Lance
Jade Rabbit
MIDA Multi-Tool
Monte Carlo
Rat King
Suros Regime
The Last Word
Tommy's Matchbook
Vigilance Wing[/spoiler]
Izanagi's Burden
Fourth Horseman
Lord of Wolves
Heir Apparent
Legend of Carious
One Thousand Voices (Honestly, should counter unstoppable AND overload)
Sleeper Simulant
The Colony
The Truth
Wardcliff Coil
Whisper of the Worm[/spoiler]
Bonus Note for Thunderlord: Thunderlord should have a catalyst that allows you to switch element types via node swtiching similar to how Suros switches between Dual Speed Receiver and Spinning Up. Of course, the solar node would make the gun [armory]Abaddon[/armory], as the void would make it [armory]Nova Mortis[/armory]. There you go, three exotics in one Bungie.
- An Overly Optimistic Destiny Fan
You have a pretty good idea here. It would open up so many possibilities to new load outs.