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3/21/2020 6:56:08 PM

Tie rounds in trials. STOP giving a win to a random side...

It never was a problem. We never asked to change it. get rid of it. We want tie games to be tie. If Bungie think it MUST stay in the game, then make it consistent. Give a reason: Ex: Team alpha wins because more kills this round. or if we are tie in kills, do it with damage during that round. Dont give a win without explanation please

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  • Edited by Dirge: 3/24/2020 8:18:37 PM
    The issue is the number of cheaters in the game with aimbot.

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    • Edited by RevolutionPhenix: 3/26/2020 10:57:43 AM
      Even if the tie breaker is who got the first kill... they need a better tie breaker

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    • Its not random. First kill wins.

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      27 Replies
      • It's not random. Round win goes to the team that killed the other team first. They dont reward panic sticky nades lol

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        30 Replies
        • Just stop all pvp. They game would be fun then.

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          34 Replies
          • Wait a minute, they seriously do that!? Wow this game is even shitter than i give it credit for. What a steaming pile of donkey shit

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          • It is NOT random, its the first to get a kill.

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            8 Replies
            • [quote]It never was a problem. We never asked to change it. get rid of it. We want tie games to be tie. If Bungie think it MUST stay in the game, then make it consistent. Give a reason: Ex: Team alpha wins because more kills this round. or if we are tie in kills, do it with damage during that round. Dont give a win without explanation please[/quote] High intensity pvp my ass

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              2 Replies
              • for those saying its not random.... it is, but only if its a melee trade or say you snipe each other at the exact same time. iv had this happen a few times. and it is 100% random

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                • Whoever dies first loses, it's not random.

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                  • Whoever gets the kill first wins

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                    7 Replies
                    • 3

                      -SOLO- - old

                      its whoever kill who first

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                      • It’s always been who killed who first

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                        3 Replies
                        • the problem is " ping"

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                        • Its whoever kills first bud,

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                          9 Replies
                          • Edited by Whisk, Beater of Eggs: 3/23/2020 7:11:21 PM
                            It’s leftover code from trials of the nine, the win goes to the “defending team”. In this map’s case, the people who spawn on rock will win the round in the case of a tie.

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                            • Just lost a flawless to this BS mechanic, I team wiped, traded with the last guy and the game tossed them the last round to win.

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                              • I haven’t even played trials yet and this fact alone makes me not want to play it. If this is true, this is probably single handedly the dumbest game mechanic I’ve ever heard.. by a long shot.

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                              • Imagine thinking this was a good idea even on a bad day. They amount of straight up dumb-blam!-ery in this game is mind blowing. They do everything they can to discourage gunfights while making sure to keep the skill ceiling as low as possible. I feel bad for some of these shit players who depend on crutches to do well in an FPS game. Actually, I take that back, I don’t feel bad for them at all.

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                              • Lost two games in a tie, one time opponent got the kill first on the kill log, the other time I got the kill first on the kill log. Either revert these stupid changes or give us dedicated servers to prevent trading

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                              • This keeps ruining trials for me. Keeps screwing me out of rounds. Just let us replay the round.

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                              • Just to make it clear to the people that say "killed first". The problem with these ties is related to latency and trades that in "theory" never should happen because it's hit-detection: Shotgun vs shotgun, sniper vs sniper. We all know that there are no dedicated server so: There will always be one player that has a ping of 0ms(host). [b]That is a fact[/b] Let's say someone has a 30ms ping. Scenario why this tie is a problem: 0ms(host) player and 30ms player are trading with snipers. 0ms player reacted 15ms [b]slower[/b] than the 30ms player So: the 30ms player should have won the trade [b]But[/b]: He loses the trade because the host reacted faster than the ping of the 30ms player. Conclusion: The host win the trade even when he reactes slower than the other player. The host only loses when he reactes slower then the [i]ping + reaction time[/i] of the other player. The further away the trade victim lives, the easier it is for the host to win the trade. And that is unfair indeed.

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                              • It is the most ridiculous game mechanic I've ever seen. Makes zero sense and needs to be fixed.

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                              • I remember back in D1 trials, if there is [b]TWO[/b] [i]last man standing[/i] and both of them killed each other. It will result as a [b]T I E[/b]. Or another situation where you revived your teammate, but died at the same time it wouldn't count as a lost, but the match will keep going until [b][i]all opponents is defeated[/i][/b]. Not only just that but D1 trials also have a [i][u]3 second wait timer[/u][/i] when all opponents is defeated and THEN it'll count as a [b]WIN[/b]. What happen to that 3 second timer after killing all opponents? That's one of the things they must've taken out. So now D2 trials is just giving whomever died first in trade... then the victory is towards that person who died last? They pretty much messed up the formula of trials of what it used to be. No Adept weapons, an actual EXOTIC emblem like, come on now....

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                                2 Replies
                                • its not random if its a streamer or a registered Sherper then they always get the win.

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                                • A tie should come to a rematch or both wins in my book. Rng is stupid.

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