He is also frustrated with how you are just giving out these god rolls and such so easily. That is why you have power creep and nobody will try anything new. Back in the days of good ol d1 You worked for those rolls or got very lucky. People continued to play and you didnt have as big of a power creep problem like you do now. Make these weapons work to get and stop trying to let everyone feel powerful, you're just ruining the game's balance. Though now i think shelving the weapons is the right answer to stop it but seeing how they can still be used in basic areas and that nobody wants to lose what they've "worked" for you've -blam!-ed up. Learn from this and stop handing every one god weapons for doing nothing.
Also sorry for so many posts about the same thing i can't find my posts anywhere on this damn site. Even under my own forum activity the posts aren't showing up.
But Khakis does 😑
Who the f**k is datto anyway?
Edited by Malygos: 3/3/2020 7:24:03 PMWhat's the point there's nothing to chase all the guns were handouts unless you wanna grind raid weapons for some reason when pretty much the exotics are the only ones worth a -blam!-. Having content for casuals is fine but making all the end game stuff terrible so they don't feel bad is a shit system
Power creep and handing out God rolls are 2 very different things...there is zero power creep with our d2 weapons aside from pinnacle weapons which were purposly designed that way.