After reading Luke's wall of text today, I realized there was literally zero level of excitement and enthusiasm, quite the opposite actually. Did he ever really play WoW? Debatable at this point. So you plan to basically make us throw away all or a large majority of our hard-earned weapons huh? Plan to continue to force a tedious grind on your player base with inevitable nerf bombs and dismantling...
See that would probably be fine Bungie, if the content we had to grind for unbearable amounts of hours was FUN. I will admi that your stuff like sundial and menagerie are enjoyable the first 1-3 times... Sundial much less so. Nightfall much less so... Because you force your damn anti-champion meta down our throats, making at least a third of our load outs locked to what the artifact demands, and nearly our exotic choice 100% locked because of this as well because you refuse to allow exotics to have a mod slot. You've already nerfed every good exotic to the ground... Why not at least allow mod slots to make up for your CONSTANT OVERCORRECTING?
Back to the point I'm trying to make... If you're going to force the player base to start an all new grind, does that mean you are planning to refresh all of this game's Playlist and patrol areas with new exciting content so I'm not doing the same lifeless, boring strikes and patrols? See, when a game like WoW or FFXIV make us throw away our old gear, it's usually met with fantastic lore, brand new dungeons and raids, and nerfs or buffs that (mostly) don't sucker-punch their playerbase the way you guys do.
A suggestion to accompany this critism? How about immortalizing our armor by unlocking transmog for each and every set? For weapons, how about dramatically increasing the vault size so we can at least hold onto our hard earned trophies you want to steal from us so we can at least use them in power-capped content without worrying about making room for the new stuff we'll be forced to play with for the new content. Stop forcing metas on people. Get rid of those terrible weapon artifact mods and never ever bring anything similar into the game again. If they must stay, make them activity modifiers instead that effect specific weapon types.
As it stands, your game is nearly pointless to grind. It's so disheartening that I only come back to this game because it's one of few titles that some of my closest friends and family got into early on that we share common ground in, otherwise I would have left this game behind years ago.
Stop complaining and just give them your money. They can't hear you over all the money they are counting. Maybe when the money stops piling up they can hear better
Edited by Malygos: 2/26/2020 6:23:40 PMLol why do any of that cool shit when you can just lock them behind another $10 season pass 9 months from now and make people pay $20+ for the same guns. That totally won't kill the game off right?
Hopefully they start listening and stop nerfing