“Well OffTindew got an update to add song lyrics to your profile so I decided to give it a try!”
Whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
baby down't huwt me, down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
i down't know why uwu'we nowt faiw
i give uwu my wove, but uwu down't cawe
so whawt iws wight awnd whawt iws wwong?
gimme a sign
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
oh, i down't know, whawt cawn i duwu?
whawt ewse cawn i say, iwt's up tuwu uwu
i know we'we owne, juwst me awnd uwu
i cawn't gow own
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
whawt iws wove?
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
down't huwt me
down't huwt me
i wawnt no othew, no othew wovew
thiws iws ouw wife, ouw time
we awe togethew i need uwu fowevew
iws iwt wove?
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
yeah, yeah, (woah-woah-woah, oh, oh)
(woah-woah-woah, oh, oh)
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
baby down't huwt me
down't huwt me
no mowe
whawt iws wove?
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