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Edited by The Spoken: 2/10/2020 11:01:23 PM

Speakewofthedeep Offtindew pwofile

Nyame: Speakewofthedeep Age: nyinye thousand Height:six feet one inches Wikes: embwacing the deep, Best fwiend bopsheezi, The Deep, muwdewing bopsheezi, eating muffins Diswikes: bwight wights and shiny stuff What I’m wooking fow:a pewson to obey my evewy command and be my woyaw swave fow etewnyity. They wiww do my bidding and give me cuddwes, and I wiww stab them occasionyawwy Why you shouwd pick me: I'm nyevew vewy faw away @w@

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