I have been trying to squeeze out 2 more measly Heroic Events for the past hour, I've come very close. This is for my obelisks. Trolls keep showing up with rockets and grenade launchers trying to kill the boss as quickly as possible when it's painfully obvious I'm attempting to make it Heroic. I don't blame them, they are who the are, and people attempting to make others miserable in Destiny has seemingly always been common place. I find the issue here is the issue in many other places... The rewards are lacking. There is no incentive to make it Heroic, unless it's a quest requirement. The lackluster rewards remain the same for normal or Heroic. I like the loot in Destiny, the aesthetics, their unique feel and function. People liked menagerie when it didn't feel like a time sink. 980s are equally as rewarding as 950 night falls. Maybe make the bosses prior to the Heroic version a little heartier so that some of us trying to do these public events have a chance. Or give a reason for patrol noobs to make these things Heroic. I find pve underwhelming, it is a means to an end to improve my arsenal. Beyond that, it just reminds me that no matter how much you encourage people to work together or pool our efforts as a community, people have more fun being nasty to each other. The game should excite people to play it correctly.
980s are not the same as 950s. It's BS