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1/24/2020 2:35:20 PM

Is serving the US military wrong?

Yes it is wrong. If you go into the military and they pay for your PhD, what do you think they'll have you doing? You won't be bombing innocent Iraqis, you'll be developing the bombs that are dropped on them. Not literally, but you get the idea - someone with your level of knowledge won't be a grunt, you'll probably be one of the myriad desk jockeys that use your technical knowledge to keep the imperialist machine spinning. And what is it about joining the military that appeals to you? Like I said, more than likely, you won't be on the front lines, heroically running in to battle. Which means that while you won't kill anyone, you'll still be facilitating others to kill. But it also means that this idealized notion in your head of developing super soldier skills also won't be happening. If you join the military, it will be boring and terrible - and you'll have helped the imperialist war machine advance. In my opinion, the few military jobs that are justifiable morally are medical. Yes, as a doctor, nurse, or medic, you're helping to advance the war machine, but you're also saving lives and reducing suffering. I suppose being a chaplain is fine too. If you do want a medical career, the army can be a good option, since they will pay for med school if you want to be a doctor and if you want to be a nurse, emt, or paramedic, you'll get good experience. But for any other career path, I think the military is indefensible. What is it about being in the military that is appealing to you? find out what aspects appeal to you and achieve that in civilian life. If you want the glory and honor of the military, there is none in the military. If you want to protect the people of the world, becoming an activist for peace will do far more benefit.
#Offtopic #yolk

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  • War is messy, but unavoidable. As long as someone wants more territory, power, or something similar, and they are willing to fight for it, wars can and would break out.

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  • I mean screw the greatest generation. It’s not like they did anything helpful for humanity

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  • I wouldn’t want to join the army, but I’m thankful for and grateful to every person who has served and is serving my country. I can’t see your post going down to well 🙄

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  • Praise God that you don’t pull any strings other than that chipolato between your legs. Urine taking aside.. God bless anyone that serves their country.

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  • If being an F-35 pilot is wrong then I don't want to be right

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  • After reading the first sentence I could tell this is just bad bait. The military doesn't pay for you to go to college while serving. You either go before or after.

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  • Not gonna lie to you Lieutenant, but you just posted cringe[spoiler]bad bait is bad[/spoiler]

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  • This is dipshit bait.

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    5 Replies
    • [quote]If you want to protect the people of the world, becoming an activist for peace will do far more benefit.[/quote] You are right. I'll just go over to Syria and ask ISIS to hug it out with the infidels.

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    • Edited by Streak: 1/24/2020 5:32:00 PM
      Can I start off saying. If you want me to care for you opinion. Don’t ask the question and than answer it. That sounds super bias instantly upon reading this. However stating that we will develop the next bombs kill more people is a good and a bad. - We created the atomic bomb and bombed 2 cities - however if we didn’t, there would be more casualties in the war, there could of been an invasion on japan. More innocent lives on the line. I’m an student studying Optical Engineering. I could go work for Raytheon, which is a company that makes missiles for the military. My job can assist to guide the missile even better and lower the risk of civilians. So to have the risk lower civilian causalities, there must be new weapons and new upgrades to them. Or we could just have it the way it is, unnecessary casualties.

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    • I feel like this is bait. Just in case it’s not I will be sure to tell my friend’s dad that he is a bad man because he shot a ISIS soldier aiming an RPG at his squad.

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      1 Reply
      • I’m sure serving in the US military is more productive than coming up with obvious b8 like yours...

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      • So my friend(20y, Marine) that’s stationed on embassy duty in Africa to protect our diplomats is morally wrong? Good to know.

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        2 Replies
        • Ok so I’m just going tell my cousin and his friends to quit now, because it’s “morally wrong”. Also as soon as I die I’ll be sure to tell my great uncle that his death was in vain and he should never have served in WW2 because it was “morally wrong”. Now who’s going to keep your ass safe if everyone quits?? The military has a very distinct role in our society and sure I don’t agree with all they do, but it keeps my family safe, and my country. [spoiler]@-@[/spoiler]

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          14 Replies
          • Edited by JS5218: 1/24/2020 10:42:37 PM
            These people volunteer to serve their country. Your post is very insulting. If we had a draft then I could maybe understand being mad at the government but we do not.

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            1 Reply
            • Poor troll, I’m still becoming a jarhead

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            • Anyone who joins the military or police or whatnot should understand FIRST that you take an oath or commitment to protect the interests of the State. Not the people like you think. If you agree with government interests to the point of taking a human life... Then yes. Join. If you object to government policies and or methods of observing any commitment made by YOU... Then No. Dont join up. Police and Military are human beings earning their paychecks doing a job for a Boss. That Boss aint the GENERAL PUBLIC. It is the State. Be advised and make your choices wisely. Its your life before you commit, then its theirs. And the USA operates a VOLUNTEER military so complaining afterwards is gonna really be on you. Not civilians who didnt agree to serve. Imo.

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              8 Replies
              • Edited by TheArtist: 1/25/2020 10:53:32 AM
                He who would have peace should prepare for war. Edit: There are two ways to live in peace: either be strong enough that conquers are afraid to mess with you....or have nothing that they want, and it’s too much trouble to take what you do have (Switzerland).

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              • 2/10. Needs more oil.

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              • Really? And who do you think killed Bin Laden? A Jessica Yaniv? An activist like you said. Just different subject. Either we sit around on our fat asses and let our people get killed by bad people or we end up having one person die and we go out there and make sure they never do that again.

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