I am considering starting a sports club in my university that focuses on games that we no longer play due to not having recess.
This might be just me, but I miss the specific genre of activity/athletics we did after lunch.
The games will most likely be games along the lines of Tag, Capture the Flag, Cops and Robbers, Sharks & Minnows, and others along the same line.
Mind if I hear your thoughts? I'm not sure if this is a good idea, and how long this interest people.
Recess was one of the best kids shows ever!
Sounds like a decent idea on paper but I can’t tell how it would do practically because I’ve no sense of what the environment in your college is like. I’d start more or less by speaking to your friends about it and then getting the ones that show interest to talk to more people, kinda like a chain. If all goes well, you got yourself something that’s both nostalgic and healthy. Good luck!
make them pay to join tell them about the spiritual benefits of freeze tag tell them about the god of recess make them pay to learn more threaten the ones that want to leave tell them that the people who don’t like freeze tag are bad people tell them that the people who don’t like freeze tag are actually minions of the devil start making spirit-cleansing protein shakes tell your followers they need your protein shakes or their souls will be taken by the devil tell them that classes are corrupting their souls tell them to drop their classes to play more freeze tag sell more protein shakes tell them about the holy frisbee that will come to take them to the playground in the sky
Get a few thick ropes that can support your weight.
I loved that show!!
Edited by The Spoken: 1/22/2020 11:56:27 PMdo ultimate frisbee, and you have my support.
That’s a fantastic idea!
Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 1/23/2020 10:32:45 PM[url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/47/Three-man_cup_defense_in_ultimate.jpeg]When the intellect-impediment virus was spreaded.[/url]
Cool kids club
H*ck yes
Edited by dxmf: 1/23/2020 1:48:16 PM
So... a rec club? Sounds good to me, and I know of multiple places that have something similar. I think you’ve got a pretty solid shot of people joining.