As a colorblind user of destiny, I love the fact that you have acsesibuility options for this however. One prime issue I encounter is the radar, it doesn't seem to matter what CB setting I apply I still struggle greatly to see who's where on the radar when it sits against specific backgrounds. Would it be posible to look into a custom color pick option for the radar please?
This will give u advantage The radar, if is gonna be changed, must be changed for all players imo What u are asking for is a radar like the one provided by way of pathfinder, so no
Thanks for the report. Do you have a video showing any specific environments where you're having difficulties? Crucible maps, strikes, raids, etc?
The problem occurs a lot on Nessus and Io and in a lot of the buildings in Io maps in Crucible. It really needs addressed. I have to use colorblind mode to see the radar correctly but colorblind mode recolors Green Gambit armor blue which bothers the mess out of me so I keep it off.
Edited by Carbiniz3r: 12/2/2019 4:48:42 PMSince were on the topic of this, i just wanna share a really depressing moment about a fellow colorblind player like yourself in my clan when we tried to have him be a runner for Gauntlet onboard Leviathan.
Bump for justice. Is it that you cannot tell the radar is lit up at all against certain backgrounds?
Edited by Darth Lunchbox: 12/2/2019 5:09:09 PMSorry, couldn't resist... Bump for awareness.
Anyone else read this as “Cosmo how about a handy”?
I’m not color blind but I struggle to see the radar too anytime the background lighting is bright
The radar in Destiny is a joke anyway I don't even use it or the perks you can get for it It's so transparent it's about useless. You can barely see it during shoot outs anyway. For such a high tech Syfy game with fancy weapons and armor the GPS and radar blow. It's bad enough the entire gaming world has never heard of polarized glasses
How about a feet ?
We should have the possibility to choose the color and background for the radar and the reticle on all platforms.
Edited by RoachB0nd: 12/3/2019 9:49:41 AMI remember the last time one guy can’t do the configuration on zero hour because he’s color blind.
I'm not color blind but i agree maybe the radar background should be black instead of the color it is now.
I really hope something comes of this. I've always had this problem and even with well balanced brightness on my television it still isn't good enough to help me at certain locations.
How about just get rid of the opacity.
I'm not colorblind, but some more color settings would be wonderful. I want those pink health bars on my desk by next Tuesday, dammit.
You’re not alone man. I’m not colorblind and I still have to strain to see what’s going on with the radar. I play on my TV so I’m not super close to the screen but still. Even the blue yellow which is a bit better is annoying. It could really use something to make it pop. Or at least the option.
PVP has been ruined - old
Jo......? -
I think this is just a general problem in the game. I to have experienced this same issue and I'm not color blind. For me at least it seems to be any lighter colors such as the sky over the city at the tower. Now grant it this may be for or in addition to the reasons for experiencing this, I honestly don't know. That being said you're not alone in this matter.
Convergence, in pvp. The red vines on the walls causes an issue. There’s places everywhere. Anywhere that’s red, not colorblind, .
Edited by mja calg: 12/3/2019 12:03:06 AMI'm in a similar boat, like 8% of all males I am slightly color blind in pinks and green. The color blind options in Destiny do little to help me though, as they cause huge color shifts in the UI that are just plain weird. With their muted green and blue color schemes for Crucible, I find it hard to determine friend from foe. Also having so much Red in the maps and then making the Reticules for gun sights pink makes it super easy to lose aim. For the Radar, what would help is having an opaque background of white so that things don't blend in or obscure it. Edit: Radar background needs to be opaque - doesn't matter about background color - just something not red.
Being able to darken the radar a bit or increase opacity would help greatly, almost to the point that you can see the environment underneath. Not colorblind myself, but the radar sometimes blends in with the environment to where i can hardly see it dots and such.
- settings pick colorblind mode chose protanopia red-green I find that the radar is better in showing up on my TV screen
My dad is red green color blind