After hearing all the big talk about the big update coming up this last tuesday, I was expecting the error "problem reading game content" to be fixed and or at least given a reason as to why it would be happening. As my hype grew, I am sad to say that I am greatly disappointed. After I downloaded it, I went right into the game and went through the new event, had a freaking blast while I was at it. When I decided to go and complete the new campaign after a few hours of the event, I hoped down to the moon and was sad to find myself frozen and staring at the same pop up I've grown to hate.
Bungie, please tell me you are close. At least tell me that you have a date as to when it might be patched, because I've spent close to $200 on this game to get all the deluxe packages and other in game content. Not as much as other fans, but still a lot of money I earned and chose to spend on your game. Its been about a month since this problem has shown up for me, come on guys and gals...I just wanna play the game for longer than 30 freaking minutes at a time.
I was having the same issues. Are you running on steam or battlenet? And are you running a Nvidia card?