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10/30/2019 7:57:12 PM

AFKing is so inefficient in this game and is so common

And I really don't understand why people do it. You get much faster progress by actually playing the game. EX: I did two runs of the Forest so far. First run I came out with 222 candy, both teammates and I burning everything in our way. Got to tier 10 and cleared. Every boss was burned immediately. Everyone had 150+ kills. Second run, my teammates didn't know a trigger from their own face and one of them was AFKing until boss fights. Came out with about 140 more candy and way less. Got to tier 7 and cleared. Every boss fight dragged way longer than needed because the teammates were killing red bars. I had 200+ kills and both teammates had below 75 kills. I know I can't expect to run to tier 10 and get 200+ candy every single time but I also shouldn't have to do pretty much everything on my own as well. INB4; "They had kills so they technically weren't AFK". -blam!- that. They were standing still throughout most of the encounter. They were AFK. DO NOT MATCHMAKE IF YOU CAN NOT GIVE YOUR ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE MATCHING FOR! If you're matching to just gain "easy progress lul", you're hindering yourself substantially. Quit being a lazy prick and play the game. Rant over...

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  • and Players want raid matchmaking haha

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  • Edited by Hyzinthlay: 11/1/2019 1:16:45 AM
    Seen lots of afkers in vex offensive and PvP too...super annoying. Don’t forget to report them.

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  • Happened to me on the first day farming the forest, both dudes were still and then killing themselves when they noticed I was in front of them thinking I wouldn’t notice, I’d purposely revive them and run ahead just to see them die on the feed and not rezzing...I stopped, killed a minute or so dancing and bailed on them.

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  • Just leave and queue back up. I’m tired of the afk buttplugs in this game. Cosmo was lying out of his butt when he said they have an afk system in place and that it was broken. Lies and more lies, afk is a problem. Only takes a minute to back out and find another group. I don’t care if it’s strikes or gambit, I’m out.

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  • Possible AFK farmer running 10+ game clients per person? There are lots of them overseas.

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  • I’d probably start the forest activity and matchmake into a new one after that

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