Everyone rushed forward, Giant at the lead with his flaming axe. Tales stood his ground. He didn’t move. As he lifted his mace, he took a defensive stance. Giant took a swipe at him, and tales ducked underneath, throwing his mace at Timns’ face. Timns went down to the ground groaning. The final teleportation orb that Timns held rolled away. He then punched Liam right in the face and jumped away as Nighthawk and Chubby swiped at him with their blades. He threw a small orb at Six’s face, teleporting right in front of him. He pummel drives Six, knocking him out cold.
Giant turned around and readied his axe. He wound up and threw the axe right at Tales. Of course, though, he was prepared.
Tales ducked again as Timns began to get up. He turned around and the last thing he ever saw was a flaming axe coming right as his face.
Timns fell to the ground, without a head. His helmet rolled to the side, with a dangerous coat of red coming from it. Tales quickly backed away from the blood.
“GIANT!” Aku screamed.
“Team killing asshole!” Eagle yelled.
“Not my fault! Someone put Timns in my way!” Giant yelled back, as Tales punched him in the lower back, grabbing his lower legs and twirling him around while he screamed until Tales threw him into the others. Everyone went down, all except for Aku. He trembled, still holding his little teacup in his hand.
Tales stood up from kneeling to catch his breath. He laughed in mockery, “What's the matter, Aku? Don’t have anyone to protect you?” Tales picked up his mace.
Aku began to back up until his foot lowered down onto a small pressure plate. Aku looked down, then up. A small crane carrying some steel beams was being moved overtop Tales. A TV with Toaster’s face gave a thumbs up.
The pressure plate was the release.
Aku quickly spoke, “Listen up! I know Veggie is somewhere in there! I can help you! Uh…we can help you!”
Tales passed for a moment, then spoke “You really don’t get it, do you?! Veggie, IS DEAD! I destroyed him! And even if there is something left of him, he will not be coming out to save you anytime soon!”
“I don’t believe that! Look there is hope for you both, you just gotta believe! And need a few tons of steel.” Aku jumped off the pressure plate and dove to the side, as the crane above released its cargo. Several of the steel bars began to fall rapidly, toward Tales. He looked up, but it was far too late.
With a loud crash, the steel bars crushed the killer under their weight. One even went through the floor, revealing that Tales was falling to what appeared to be his doom. He hit the ground underneath the floor with a loud thump, and the steel bars crashed around him, burying him.
Aku moved to pick up the others, and they all walked toward the newly formed hole in the ground. For a few minutes, they watched the steel pile, waiting to see if Tales was alive. Nothing happened. Giant was the first to speak, “Is he dead?”
The second he said that a great roar erupted from the pile, and Tales emerged, throwing the steel beams off. His armor was shattered, his face cut up. He began climbing the wall to the top, and when he reached the top he began muttering tired insults. “You…WHEEZE...Can’t defeat me!”
Tales stumbled, trying to recollect his posture. “You…You’re all nothing!”
He pointed at Aku, “You... you're a tea-sipping -blam!-!”
Tales turned to look at Silencersix. “Six, you’re nothing more than a sarcastic ripoff!”
Six frowned. “That’s not accurate.”
Tales wheezed again, “Eagle, you and nighthawk are pretty much the Jonas brothers, except you're both birds!”
“-blam!- you!” Nighthawk and Eagle said in unison.
Tales turned his attention to Giant, who backed up a few paces. “YOU…you big…FAT..pathetic excuse for a robot!”
“Said the dude who thinks murder is cool!” Giant hissed
Tales finally turned his attention to Liam, who just stood there. “And you’re just an...Gaah..big…fat…excuse for the emperor…living in a parents basement with nothing to live for!”
“I don’t see why mine had to be the worst.” Liam solemnly responded.
“You’re all insufferable!!!” Tales fell to the floor, trying to get back up. “Every single one of you is in league with what is the witch of Offtopic! *Wheeze*!! Everything I did…I did for us!!” Tales stopped trying to get up and laid on his back. “Heheheheheheheh…funny! I tried to kill everyone and I failed to kill more than the -blam!-ing feathery -blam!- in front of me! Hehahahahgah! Ack! Ugh..” Tales coughed.
A small desk on motorized wheels rolled up. A TV with Toasters face appeared again. “Just to let you all know, I called the cops. They’ll be here any minute!”
Giant cracked his knuckles. “They can have whatever is left after I-“
“Why did you do this…”
Everyone turned their heads to Tales who began to twitch. His eyes kept changing from yellow to green. The green-eyed voice sounded horrified. “I didn’t…I couldn’t…”
“Uhhhhhhhhh…is Veggie coming out?” Aku asked.
“Hell if I know, just help me tie him up.” Six spoke up as he grabbed a nearby rope.
“Kinky…” Toaster said, until Chubby and Nighthawk pushed him onto his side so he couldn’t move. “Help! Help! I’m being repressed!”
The sun had come up, and the police swarmed the senate building. The remaining survivors all hung out nearby an ambulance, as Veggie/Tales was put in a straight jacket. He kept crying out “It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! I couldn’t!”. Nobody really cared though, as he was thrown into a high-security truck, and the doors closed. Six climbed in the front seat with the cops.
“You on this case?” One cop asked.
“No, but I’ll be damned If this guy escapes a mental asylum. Count me in for guarding him.” Six said as he shut the passenger door, and the truck drove off.
Muggy, the police detective walked up to Liam. “You got lucky tonight, sad to see the others didn’t make it.”
Liam shrugged. “It is a tragedy I know, but for the most part, I have solidified my role as the Emperor of Offtopic!”
Muggy nervously shifted. “What?” Liam asked.
“While the night was going on, Warlock Holmes was elected into the emergency office once Ringleaders pacemaker went offline. He was called to stop the banks from going rogue. So far, everyone has voted that democracy stays. What do you think? Liam? You okay?”
Liam’s eye twitched uncontrollably. Before he could answer, Giant, stepped in from retrieving Dr. Titans brass knuckles from the body bag and said: “Oh he loves democracy!”
A few meters away, Eagle, Nighthawk, and Chubby all stood in a circle. “So, this is it I guess,” Chubby remarked. “I go back to doing whatever I used to do, Eagle goes back to business. And you go back into a cell, bird face.”
Nighthawk laughed without any humor in his voice. “Fat chance. I’m going to take off as soon as I can. I’m only saying goodbye Chubby…and…I’m sorry.”
Chubby stared at Nighthawk. “Wut”
Eagle stepped in. “I’ve offered diplomatic immunity for him, as long as he helps me with any sort of trouble I have at my business. I figured we should make amends with the family. In return, he has to make amends with you and the others. Isn’t that right, cus.”
Nighthawk pointed at him. “Don’t let this go to your head.”
Chubby crossed his arms. “Then, I suppose you’ll walk free…but if you ever-“
“Yeah yeah, way ahead of you. Now, if you excuse us, we need to go file a case against Veggie for ruining the senate building. Trademark infringement is a serious crime.” Nighthawk replied.
“Now that's evil,” Eagle said.
As the bird walked off, Toaster’s little TV drone rolled up to Chubby. “Hey, fat asshole! I’ve got a favor to ask.”
Chubby looked down at him, then at Giant as he walked up. “What’s wrong?”
“Before I found Tales in the booth, I kinda had a vision,” Giant said. “It was of Grav, Speaker, and Tiger. They were alive and told me where to go. I thought I was dreaming but-“
“I had detected a large scale Void-Warp a few miles away as if someone from the Void had returned to life.” Toaster replied. “If I had to guess, it was the Fat Ass Cat in the Hat with the urge to -blam!- a walrus.”
“Dude what the -blam!-.” Chubby cringed. “Tiger wasn’t that bad…right?”
“Point is, Toaster thinks one of the three is alive, and they may be out for vengeance…” Giant shivered.
Chubby crossed his arms again. He looked out back at the senate building, then back at the cops, and then finally out to the horizon. He looked at them both and said one final statement.
“Then let's go find them.”
[spoiler]Thank you for reading Offtopic Murder Mystery Season 2! Special thanks to TheEagle, Davy Timns, Veggethebull, Nighthawk, and pretty much everyone in the story! You guys rock.
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