[spoiler]Hey everyone, HoTh has asked that I take over the election pills for now. Thank you to HoTh, and a shout out to his good work in the previous elections and with setting this one up.[/spoiler]
Good day everyone and welcome to the Fifth annual Off-topic Elections.
Today we have 7 excellent candidates vying for [i]your[/i] votes and fealty.
May the voting begin and may the odds [i]ever[/i] be in your favor.
Wow! I want to thank everyone for the show of support. I can't promise much, other than that if I win, I will seek to bring undying glory and honor to our great subforum. And of course dank memes and shittier shit posts.
How long has off topic been doing this?
Furry knight
Oof. How many candidates are dropped out of these?
Don't you mean Krishnas prophet
Oh crap, I forgot that Holmes was running. I’m sorry DrTitan! Forgive me!
Peaches for president
Sorry y’all my vote is sealed... [spoiler]*drops smoke bomb*[/spoiler] [spoiler]@-@[/spoiler]
Edited by HeadHunter: 10/23/2019 6:23:38 AMCortana is already the official ruler
Wow Holmes is crushing everyone
Edited by Banned Moment: 10/23/2019 3:34:54 AMDr. Titan I wanted you to win!
I’m sticking by raptor, you’ve got this man! [spoiler]-blam!-ing pretzels![/spoiler]
Edited by The Spoken: 10/23/2019 1:10:19 AMI stand with my boy Raptor. [spoiler]may the valiant be chained[/spoiler]
Edited by WiErDScIeNcE11: 10/22/2019 9:45:03 PMThe warlock is strong but he is no god, [b][u][i]Vote Psy![/i][/u][/b] [spoiler]Sips Abyss Smoke Bombs[/spoiler]
Go get em Raptor!!
Let's go raptor! [spoiler]or psy[/spoiler]
Where is the witch queen? When did she drop? 😱😱😱
It's only fair that the warlock vanguard of lore becomes the president of Offtopic
Rip furyknight lmao
I'm just waiting until 3 people remain