The way this is going to work is all of you get one vote for who you'd like to see on this potential council.
Comments, bumps, quotes count as votes for your choices.
This is just a test run of the system and very possibly will be either changed or removed depending on its success. Please vote not for who you like, but who would be fair in judgement. As with all of the "government" this will have no real power except to and give people an idea of what's over the top and op and what's not
[spoiler]Credit goes to Nil for the idea and also to the Good for helping develop it[/spoiler]
Sorry I don’t talk to betas
I vote for Watson
What did I miss, I was only gone for 3 days... [spoiler]Sips Abyssal Tea[/spoiler]
This is great, for now I can tell people the council will decide their fate.
Alright I retract my previous statement, I will run for Secretary of Peace and I vote for myself...I guess. [spoiler]-blam!-ing pretzels![/spoiler]
Since Nil will not accept my nomination, I rescind it and nominate Speaker of the Deep instead.
Edited by Warlock Holmes: 10/20/2019 5:33:46 AMI could run. I usually don’t roleplay anymore. It is like my house and life took over my account. But i could help in final says.
I’d like to be on the council
I'll vote for Lord Graviton. And no, I won't vote again with my alts. One vote per user.
Edited by PTheGamer: 10/20/2019 8:56:04 PMI nominate myself. I love RP, and think I could bring some good ideas to the table.
*happy bot noises*
Not sure what this is but -blam!- it I'm running y'all. Nothing wrong with a little inexperience and outside perspective!
I nominate Nil. I feel the mother of the idea should be a part of it. She also has plenty of RP and DM experience that would make her a good fit. I also would ask that they would operate with total transparency. I don't want to see this become some force in the shadows that everyone fears the retribution of. I'm glad to see a trial run of this though, I brought up my fears about it becoming biased if left unchecked.
I'd like to nominate myself but I'd also like to see speaker be on the council
NIL! We need to get rid of that OGCR thing too. Got nothing done.
I don't think I understand this post
How many votes do we get?
Edited by Ace Night Owl: 10/19/2019 6:49:05 PMMay I nominate myself? I primarily want to help negate corruption in the system along with my experience as a DM makes me a fairly decent choice.
Edited by Neko Neko Nya: 10/19/2019 7:51:33 PMAs long as this “council” doesn’t -blam!- with my choice of weaponry as a villain, I don’t give a damn who wins. Edit: why don’t we have someone write a “constitution” as a guideline so this thing doesn’t end up as the council just flexing on people?
Reminder that I intentionally have lost fights here. Neko wars anyone?
Edited by The Spoken: 10/19/2019 8:35:04 PMI nominate Toaster. Also here are [url=]my thoughts[/url]
... Toaster... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
I vote for myself as the Executive of Peace!.... Not really, I’m actually voting for Robo Owl. [spoiler]-blam!-ing pretzels![/spoiler]