*You look for the next tape. It’s blue, so you go to the next red one (you go by a lot of blues) and pick it up to read the title*
[b]NumßeR TooHundRED and on£[/b]
*you put it in and play. Sumpig is standing on a porch. It is a nice porch, made of a nice oak wood planks, and finely polished rails. There is a nice wooden rocking chair in the back by the door and a throw pillow resting on it saying [i]Porch Sweet Porch[/I]. This porch is a sweet porch. What a sweet porch...
That's enough of the porch, Sumpig has a remote in his hands. It is like a normal TV remote (like from 2001). In fact it probably is. His trench coat is still good as new... surprising. His gas mask is starting to kinda look like a pig head... not really, but you can imagine it.*
Test 201. Heya folks! This is my porch. Sweet amiright?
*gestures to the magnificent porch he is standing on. So sleek, sweet, and nice...*
And here I will check to see if I can remotely teleport another object to me, instead of me to it. After the last twenty tries, I'm sure I've got this. I fitted a number of objects to ATMM Transmitters and assigned a number to each. Then, when I push the pound button and type a certain number, that designated object will appear anywhere within a 2-10 foot radius that way it won't teleport on top of me or into me. Safety first! So without further ado, I will try teleport... a snack bar! Yes I fitted that to a tracker. Don't judge me.
*Sumpig pushes three buttons on the remote and then pushes another button that makes a [b]beep[/b] sound. Suddenly with a flash and a bang, something appears next to Sumpig. He picks it up*
Aha! a sna-
*He holds it up to reveal a...*
...Hand grenade... what? Wait, where's the-
*He looks around then walks forward and chucks the grenade past the camera. He walks back and what quickly follows is a distant boom that sounds [i]surprisingly[/i] far away*
Can't have a pin-less grenade on my killer porch now can I?
But I swear that was the number for snack bars...
Anyways, it works properly! I have perfected the ATMM Drop mechanic! Should prove useful.
Well that's all folks! If your'e still watching after...
*holds up fingers, then realizes he can't count that high with fingers. He apparently forgot what tape this was...*
...all those tapes, then I want to thank you for sticking with me.
*He gives a thumbs up*
I appreciate it! See y'all in the next tape.
*The screen goes black*
Wander what’s in the blue tapes 🤔