...Couldn't have been an inside job because the planes came from the outside. And Bush couldn't have done 9/11 because bushes don't grow on planes.
Allah Akbar my brother!
Haha, two upvotes now!
OP pokes fun at ridiculous 9/11 conspiracies and you guys eat your own faces. 😂
Not funny. People are still dying from 9/11. First responders with cancers. Make a joke about that...
[quote]...Couldn't have been an inside job because the planes came from the outside. And Bush couldn't have done 9/11 because bushes don't grow on planes.[/quote] 1. -blam!- off for turning it into a joke. What happened that day is not a good subject for some people. Especially me since I had family there during the day of the attack. 2. 9/11 isn’t Bushes fault regardless. To think so is just -blam!-ing stupid.
Isn’t it a bit too early to spookify names?
Edited by The Spoken: 9/11/2019 3:11:14 PM(@_@) Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
I hope everyone here remembers this post in a few months once toaster needs something from us.
Making a joke out of a people that have been killed? What a piece of 💩.
Muting thread. Show some damn respect
A mellahalllawulllah? a dirka dirka?
0-0 Now that is solid proof
[quote]An Al Qaeda representative says that claims the U.S. government was behind the attacks on Sept. 11th are demeaning to Al Qaeda.[/quote]
Toaster, please show respect to the fallen. Many innocent lives were murdered because of the terrorism.