[url=https://i.imgur.com/9zvD1YV.jpg]Image of SCP-039 [/url]
Object classification: Keter
Containment procedures: 74 satellites installations are to be launched as soon as August 10th, 2019 in an attempt to hunt, and eliminate all but one instance of SCP-039-A, and all instances of SCP-039-B via task force Maverick-15 "Deep Divers" with unrestricted access to any and all weaponry required.
Only one SCP-039-A is to be contained for research within a .3meter by 1meter (1ft by 3ft) titanium cage. SCP-039-A is to be regularly pressure washed by automated systems with secreted waste immediately prepared for incineration.
Description: SCP-039 is the designation of two related instances designated SCP-039-A, and SCP-039-B. SCP-039-A is a black unclassified species of worm averaging a length of .6 (2feet) meters and a width of .1 meters (3inches). SCP-039-A regularly secretes approximately 2.1 liters of a black viscous substance capable of altering living and deceased tissue into what is classified as SCP-039-B. 039-A has several strong teeth, capable of tearing into the flesh and bone of live animals. When encountering an live or dead human and/or humanoid entity, SCP-039-A will attempt to take hold and attach to the back of it's prey paralyzing them for 8-12 hours. While this occurs, 039-A will begin to expand and attempt to devour and replace the spinal cord of it's victim, resulting in what is currently classified as SCP-039-B. Subject's height and weight appear to have very little if any effect at the speed of the subjects transformation into a 039-B entity.
SCP-039-A were uncovered during project Deep Dwellers while combating a copy of Dr. False, presumably from a SCP-039-A infested reality. An autopsy was performed on the corpse by Site-OT staff uncovering 039-A where the spinal cord would have previous inhabited. (See Exploration Log 039-01 along with Text Log 039-02 for further details)
[url=https://i.imgur.com/AONPWNF.jpg](artistic depiction of an SCP-039-B instance within early stages of conversation)[/url]
Once entirely converted, SCP-039-B appear nearly indistinguishable to it's former self apart from a slight protrusion from the back. 039-B subjects typically partake in often ritualistic in nature, practices including but not limited to, self mutilation via carving unknown signs into one's own abdomen, sacrifice, cannibalism, and chanting in a currently unknown language (See text log-039-01 for details). Blood tests show DNA of SCP-039-B subjects to be inverted though otherwise still functional. SCP-039-Bs show signs of psychopathy in a lack of emotion, remorse, or empathy, along with a desire to eliminate non 039-A and 039-B life forms in serial killer like methods.
Text Log 039-01:
[quote]Currently as of 8/07/2019, we have had only minor progress in translating the language in which the 039-B speak in their rituals. We have tried cross referencing it with other languages and dialects, yet have nothing to show. My hypothesis is that whatever infected them is from a different reality with languages that have branched off far differently from our own. I will be continuing to find ways and methods into understanding their language though this may take more time than previously assumed. Further information will be shared when available.
Dr. Alex J. Styx[/quote]
Text Log 039-02:
[quote]Autopsy report: January 24, 2017
Subject: Replica False (Note: While physically identical, Dr. False is not to be mistaken for the subject.)
Notes: While dissecting, a buildup of a viscus black fluid was uncovered within the chest cavity of subject. Substance will be stored for further testing.
Spinal Cord appears to have been replaced with that of a black worm like entity which we presume to be the SCP in question. Object was removed and contained until further orders. Object is presumed dead.
DNA scans show major corruption in the codding. Edit: Correction, DNA is not corrupted. DNA is reversed. [/quote]
Test log 039-01
[quote]Fluids collected from SCP-039-A were collected. D1434 was instructed to touch, ingest, and be injected with fluid.
Results: D1434 showed no discomfort in touching or eating said fluids apart from minor disgust. However, when injected, D1434 entered a brief spasm before becoming paralyzed for 7 hours and 32 minutes. Blood work showed a number of blood cells with reversed DNA still fully functional within D1434's body though it is theorized a higher dosage of 039-A compound would be required for a full conversation.
Note: Due to the DNA reversing nature of SCP-039-A compound, use of the substance on the field will be postponed until such effects can be nullified.[/quote]
[spoiler]so I was going to do this a while ago but a few things got in the way. Originally this was intended to be released a bit after when the Deep saga was going on as kind of an interesting SCP to go along with the story. A bit of lore I guess. I'd like to have done a few exploration logs that would be based around a reality taken over by 039s, but I also kind of wanted to get this out at some point lol. Also I'm kind of meh at world building. Anyways enjoy![/spoiler]
Edited by The Spoken: 8/28/2019 4:44:14 PM(@_@) those are just the children...