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Edited by The Spoken: 8/17/2019 8:33:07 AM

Ah wrote a song parody for you all !

[spoiler]I know the tune is super obscure for you young whippersnappers, BUT I DON'T CARE Sing to tune of Yellow Submarine[/spoiler] [quote]In the fooooor'm where I was boooorrn. Density fan-fiction was a boooore. So much Saaaaaalt, And so much winnnnne got so tiredddd in the miiiiines, So I cliiiiiiiiicked Offtopic's paaaaaage And I fo-o-ound, insanity, now I live with these crazies, in this Odd re- ality[/quote] [quote]We all live in an odd reality Offtopicality, an odd reality We all live in an odd reality Offtopicality, it's very strange indeed[/quote]. [quote]And our frieeeeends, post when they're bored, many more of them, come from Lore. And the Troooolls, come out to play[/quote] [quote][b]Troll talk s!(%)@^$$*)^%_&)#&@$$#&%*#@)&%&^()&*_*_)%&$^%$#@[/b] [/quote] [quote]We all live in an odd reality, Offtopicality, it's made for you and me We all live in an odd reality, We have one true cookie, and our own pal Xombie. [/quote] [b](Submarine Noises, Nuclear explosions, sounds of 12 year-olds arguing) [/b] [quote]Though we maaaaaaay (though we may!!) seem strange to sommmme (seem strange to some!_ We will never stop, (wewillnevastop!) having funnnnnn ('aving fun!) Salt aboooovvvee, (sawlt abuvvvvv!) us in between, (s'in between) In Offtopic (In awftawpic!) -ality, (-ALITY! WEEEEHAA!)[/quote] [quote][b](SAILOR CHORUS JOINS)[/b] We all live in an Odd reality, Offtopicality, were nobody can leave. We all live in an Odd reality, Offtopicality... and now I have to pee... [/quote] We all live... [b](fade out, bathroom door closing sound effect)[/b]

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