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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
8/2/2019 7:07:20 AM

[Fanfiction] Spark of Glory Ch. 4: Crystal Caves

[i][b]So I lied about writing a story before I left for Pakistan, but I’m returning in 3 days. I hope I’m not dead… Table of Contents for new readers: [/b][/i] After leaving the planet, we searched for other systems. However, most of them either had the machines or something climate-related made it uninhabitable. It went on like this for about 6 systems. But on the 7th system we saw a lush planet without the machines. It had three major land masses (not counting the poles and ice caps) with a mixture of forests, plains, and jungles. Just like our home planet. “That planet looks good. Let us head there,” Draksis said. Agreeing, we went down to orbit and deployed a few skiffs, landing near some mountains. We divided into groups of about 20, me as the leader of mine. We would have had less, but after the machines - who we would later identify as the Vex when we arrived in the solar system we preside in today - I said it would be best to travel in groups of 20 so attacks could be fended off quickly. We then headed out. The area we landed in was overlooking a forest, and it was pretty peaceful. Looking up, a mountain loomed over us and I could see others in the distance. My group set out after looking around for a bit. As I walked, I noticed that there were multiple caves. We ignored them, but then we noticed there was again, few animals. Curious, we decided to see whether there were any animals in a cave. I wish we never went in there. It still haunts me to this day, even though I now know what we encountered… It still makes me shiver at the thought. When my group entered, I immediately said, “This place has a dark aura to it. Be alert.” As we walked, we noticed more of the green crystals. Then, a few minutes after we entered, I suddenly heard one in my group cry out in a sort of startled or shocked way. I saw Bravik, one of our best, looking down at a pile of rocks. I began, “What troubles you, Brav-” then stopped, realizing the rocks [i]weren’t[/i] actually rocks. They were bones. The bones of all sorts of animals - wing bones of birds, femurs, even skulls. Whatever placed them here cleary had extremely bad intentions. Despite being demoralized, we continued. “Have your weapons ready!” I commanded. I had a feeling we might encounter... something. We continued on, although much more cautiously. It was completely silent for a few more minutes, minus our footsteps and the sickening crunching of bones. Then we heard an ear-piercing shriek coming from somewhere deep in the cave. “Be alert, watch out for movement,” I silently ordered. It got louder as we continued. Soon we came across a large chamber. I told my group to stay back and I went ahead. Looking into the chamber I saw... Where do I begin? I guess the… creatures, if you could even call them that, who we now call “The Hive”. I noticed that there were many types. In ranking, there were the Thrall, who were bony, a light grey shade. There were no eyes on them and they had a brown-ish scalp. There were too many of them to count. There were also creatures which wore red armor and had three eyes, and carried what appeared to be some type of rock weapon, called Acolytes. Perhaps 45 of them? Some of those ones wore more and were bigger, carrying either a rock weapon or sword, called Knights. There were about 20 of them. There were bones everywhere, all sorts of remains and it essentially reeked of death. There was much dust and it was extremely chalky. Then I noticed in the center there were three flying creatures wearing robes, Wizards. I couldn’t make out any eyes, so they might have been covering them. They were in a three-part circle shape, with a light green circle of what I assumed was some type of magic or witchcraft. I heard chanting - they were attempting a ritual. But in the back was what shocked me the most. There was some type of portal - a light green energy being framed by two pillars. And from it was what disturbed me. I heard roars and rumbles - they were summoning something dark, strong, and [i]powerful[/i]. I quickly moved back and away from sight and likely earshot, joining the rest of my group. I immediately activated my comm. “This is Koriks, we’ve found something and we need reinforcements. 1 group will do, but more is appreciated.” I waited, wondering if I would even get a response. I started thinking they didn’t get it when my comm crackled and someone said, “We hear you. My group and another are headed your way. Another group may be on it’s way. Hold on.” We waited for what felt like an eternity, listening to the shrieks of the creatures. You could drive someone insane with them... Eventually the reinforcements came - the one mentioned, along with one extra. That gave us a number count of around 55 or so - some of the men had been lost to the same beings after two of the groups entered the caves. I briefed them on what we saw - the creatures, the ritual, the portal. After that, I said, “Here’s our plan. I want ten of us focusing on the grey ones, fifteen on the armored ones, fifteen on the heavily armored, and the remaining fifteen to focus on taking out the ritual’s performers and then help out with taking out everything else. We lined up behind cover, making sure they couldn’t hear or see us. “On three,” I said. I made a [i]1, 2, 3[/i] gesture with my hand. [i]Here we go… This may be the end of us.[/i] Then we bolted in. The battle began, and all hell broke loose.

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  • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 8/2/2019 10:14:27 PM
    [quote]The blue stripe represents spring, the red, summer, the orange, autumn, and the white, winter. They repeat just as nature infinitely repeats its life giving cycle of the seasons. The green background of the constellation ursa represents nature, and the gold background of the constellation itself represents the priceless value of every possible identity. The triangles above the cycle kind look like ears, representing the innate animalness of every individual.[/quote] What do you think of Bear's Ursa Theriotype Pride Flag?

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