I have some things I need to attend to IRL that will keep me away for about a month
I dont think I've ever done one but AMA
Are you one of those folks that believes the earth is only a few thousand years old and that dinosaur bones were planted to test your faith?
Edited by Pepe Silvia: 8/3/2019 3:35:37 AMWhat's your favorite Denzel Curry song and why is it Black Balloons?
If a bear and a shark were to fight in zero gravity, who would win?
Have you ever danced with the Devil under a pale moon light?
Would you rather fight a bear or a bear with a gun
Do you own a Tesla?
if you had to sacrifice a body part... left nut or left hand
Do old people find other old people attractive? Or do they like young people and settle for other old people. (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
IF J.K.rowling keeps making characters gay, when/will she gonna make herself gay?
Who exactly let the dogs out?
Later broski. Hope all is/stays/becomes well.
People who drive Fords are Americans.....Pioneers.....Settlers.....people who settle.....for Ford..... [spoiler]no question, just statement lol[/spoiler]
Who shot J.R. Ewing?
Why is maple syrup so inferior to Aunt Jemima’s?
What is a hoser, eh?
Edited by The Spoken: 8/2/2019 6:43:54 PMIf you had to choose between a blow to the back of the head with a cypress club, possibly causing a concussion or loss of conciousness or a steel toed boot in the nuts possibly causing hemmoraging or impotence, what would you choose? [spoiler]Also be good and heed the call of irl![/spoiler]
Take it easy my man.
Bye Felicia
Edited by CoolUsername321: 8/2/2019 6:56:04 PM
[spoiler]See you in a month![/spoiler] Favorite fantasy class?
Favorite TV show as a kid?
The Phantom Menace or Revenge of the Sith.
why leave
Whatcha doing for that month?
Best soda?