K’raiv looked up from a holotablet, and at a Phantom officer.
“Hey K’raiv, the emperor would like to have a word with you.”
K’raiv sighed. “Fine, fine. I’m coming.” He exited his private quarters, and walked to another room, two floors up.
The room was large, with consoles lining the walls. A large screen was on the wall, farthest from the entrance. It lit up as K’raiv approached, revealing the very scarred face of the Phantom emperor. The emperor sat in a huge, spherical glass room. It seemed to be miles underwater, with fish swimming around the very dimly lit room.
“K’raiv, I’ve heard a.... strange report.” He paused, as if waiting for K’raiv to say something.
“May I ask what the repor-“
“I’ve been told that you let a group of offtopican prisoners free.... Is that true?”
“Emperor, I’m not here to help a mad scientist run fuc[i]k[/i]ed up tests.”
“It was my orders. Think of what we could gain from the tests! We could turn the offtopicans against each other! But NO, you decided to let them go!”
“You’re being replaced as fleet admiral.”
“What? By- by who?”
“Your brother, Jialoc.”
“What? No-no, I mean, I’m happy for him, but why?”
“For disobeying orders! Get out of my sight.”
“Sir, I- .....Yessir.” K’raiv looked down at the floor. And pressed a button on a nearby console, the screen flickered off.
He let out a disappointed chuckle, and said something under his breath. “I don’t care about my rank now. But I’m [i]not[/i] running your tests, emperor. I’m done with this shit.”
K’raiv returned to his private quarters, and grabbed a hand cannon. He then returned to the bridge. “The emperor orders that I...” He swallowed, nervously. “Take a squad down to the moon’s surface.”
“Emperor’s orders, eh?” An officer looked up from his console. “Nice, I’ll prepare a squad for you.”
“Thank you, officer.”
K’raiv entered the hangar, inside were ships and unmanned tanks. And Occasional groups of Phantoms sitting around, talking. A group of eight phantoms awaited K’raiv, outside his shuttle, the shuttle’s ramp was lowered. They greeted him, and everyone boarded the shuttle. The shuttle took off towards the moon.
K’raiv sat in the back of the shuttle, thinking about what had just happened. A voice came from the c[i]o[/i]ckpit. “Hey, guys come check this out.”
The group entered the c[i]o[/i]ckpit, and looked out the window. On the moons surface lay a huge building, on the edge of an ocean. “Think that’s how we get to the emperor?”
“Yeah, maybe.” K’raiv pulled out his hand cannon and pointed it at the group. They noticed, and didn’t move out of shock. K’raiv motioned for them to drop their weapons. Surprisingly, they obeyed. He managed to knock them all unconscious, and landed the ship a kilometer away from the building.
The ramp lowered, revealing a grassy area. There were no trees for miles. It was noon. K’raiv set up a tent, and left the Phantoms there, before returning to the ship and taking off.
[spoiler]He be going rogue now.[/spoiler]
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